An Unexpected Inspiration

Yourself God and Jesus.

On the morning of13th October 2015 a basic tune came to mind followed by a line of words while I was sat at my computer in the living room. Knowing from experience that if an idea is not written down immediately, only the concept remains which has to be put down in our own words, while wondering exactly how the original was phrased because it was the best expression.

So it was the same here and I was careful to add the date too because these things become lost in time and forgotten until revisited, not knowing when they were created. This was written down in longhand and because of the basic tune that accompanied it, it also needed to be recorded at each stage.

The words began coming in groups of two liners as it progressed. After a while I began to think that it would perhaps be suitable to make a hymn so contacted Elizabeth who is now responsible for the Foundation Church of The New Birth, a church without walls, which acts as caretaker for the messages received by James E Padgett through the mediumship of automatic writing from Jesus and the Celestial Spirits, now almost 105 years ago.

A copy of the mp3was sent to Elizabeth by email and on hearing it she asked for a print out of the words and permission to publish it in the newsletter as a poem and I agreed. From her mention of it being a poem I took another look and sure enough it read like a poem which I hadn’t noticed because it wasn’t by my own effort to make it so. The two line verses could be arranged in groups of four lines each but that leaves one verse that has only two lines and because they were receive in groups of two it was difficult to decide how they should be grouped without changing the order in which they were received, so I did eventually settle on a decision. Also at each stage I was not to know what verses were to follow, one after another but it is interesting that they make complete sense in a chronological layout of the basic purpose of the messages received by James Padgett.

The concept of the opening words, Yourself, God and Jesus, was envisioned to be circular, in an anticlockwise direction, with Man at the base and God above as in a direct relationship, but with three in the circle. Jesus also intersects between God and Man because He stands in the position of Messiah or mediator between Man and God to show the way. (Why it was an anticlockwise representation I do not know and even less so with the passing of time).

The direct relationship between man and God was the first intended but was lost after the Fall of Man. Jesus is is at pains to express concern at misconceptions and wants them to be corrected to the correct relationship in the minds of mankind.

Yesterday I had felt pushed to redo the video because I was never happy with the end result, having no illusions about being able to sing, and as such had previously attempted to present it as a spoken poem but that ended up too forthright in presentation and was not happy with it. previous attempts at singing it was also unsatisfactory but this version seems to have turned out more acceptable.



”Incidentally it was while searching my computer one Monday evening in December 2015 for files related to a situation of being unfairly treated and dismissed at a Community Centre where I had worked diligently for thirteen and a half years as ‘as and when’ cover in the office during functions which may be during the day or in the evenings, particularly at weekends.

I had put together the evidence because I understood what had began taking place some months earlier but despite having this evidence, I felt it was distasteful to seek any retribution so let it go. However It had been on my mind to continue working there for a further five years, but as it turned out it was the best thing that they did and I ended up being better off financially minus that hassle of driving there in what was to become ever greater traffic congestion and especially that I used to juggle it between two jobs at their convenience to accommodate them other wise I was quite content to travel to work to my main Job by bus when I wasn’t required to cover. The most up to date situation is that the Charity Commission had been called to investigate certain irregularities and there was a local call for a new committee to be formed as the place had become so expensive to use that nobody wanted to use it and the Local Council was in the process of proceeding to close it but locals had clubbed together to save it which was good because it was a building built especially to replace a WW1 and 2 Memorial Hall which had been demolished to make way for a dual Carriageway.

So, I was totally surprised that I rediscovered the song because I had totally forgotten all about it for two months and finding it again by chance was like a revelation to myself. This is why I thought that I must contact Elizabeth straight away via email. When the simple melody and the first words to the lyric came to mind, my first reaction was to record it immediately in order not to forget it. It progressed from there one lyric or two at a time, written down, added and recorded. They are in the same order and construction as they came to mind until the whole was complete. The time stamp shows that the process took 72 minutes and after that a couple of practice attempts until the final recording. 

A Message which Evokes A Memory

Yesterday morning I had quite a few things on my mind to do but couldn’t decide what to do first so would start one thing and then jump to another and then onto another all at the same time and was getting nowhere so decided to just sit down and spend a little time reading volume two of True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. So I decided to pick up the volume and open it up at random and where it opened at there I would read. I had consciously decided to open up in the area of the last third but that was all that I knew and saw that it was a message by Solomon and that the topic was of Mr James Padgett’s selection by Jesus. That was all that I saw before jumping up to do something else quickly so put a marker between the pages for when I return. On returning the marker fell out onto the carpet so then had to look through the table of contents to try to find it again and while looking through there were so many other topics that tempted my interest but I decided to keep the original intention. Eventually I found it to be on page 286 and on reading it found it to be about the qualities of James Padgett against that of Emanuel Swedenborg who was the first person to have been chosen who also had the ability to visit the Spirit World and to report his findings. A link is given to the full message and it was a case of trawling through the website because dates received had not been included in the original printed volumes and in fact ten pages later there is a very interesting message from Jesus titled How The Divine Love Enters Into The Soul Of Man. It is another message that is not dated and also does not not in the same year so will have to search for it.

[Quote] Some years ago, as you say, a selection was made of a man to declare these truths, and to him much power and spiritual knowledge were given, and even that power of leaving the body and visiting the world of spirits that he might see for himself the actual condition of things as they there existed, and to declare to mankind the results of his observations. And he did observe and declare many truths, but the difficulty in the way of his realizing the pure truth and interpreting the things which he saw, was that his mind was too much biased by what he had read and believed from the writings as contained in the Bible. And hence, his efforts failed to accomplish the great purpose intended by the mission given him. I am here referring to Swedenborg, the seer, as he was called.

This was a great disappointment to these Celestial Spirits who had projected such a plan for revealing the truths to mankind. At the head of these Celestial Spirits was Jesus, as he is now. Since that time, the time has never been propitious for a plan of this kind to be attempted again until now.


This was the first time that I have ever seen this particular passage, although I did know about Swedenborg’s anguish about not being able to receive the the truths accurately of which he had admitted to in messages conveyed to James Padgett from himself. I had written about this aspect before from deduction, so am particularly happy with the understanding that is conveyed here in the message.

So this now crystallized the realisation in relationship of my having come across the Swedenborg Society at their address in Central London in early 1978, while on Andy Johnson’s MFT and although I had never heard about them before and also their offices on an upper floor were closed, for some reason I was drawn to find out more about them and also to buy a copy of Swedenborg’s Heaven and Hell.

So also yesterday, 17th January 2019, this focussed my mind on the fact that this was one of many experiences for the affirmation of the validity of the writings and my mind cast back to to 1976 when I had a profound feeling, and visual experience in my mind’s eye, that conveyed that the Soldiers coming to take Jesus away to murder him on the cross was a contradiction to why he had come two thousand years ago, as he had come to show mankind the right way to live, as I understood it then. This experience occurred while on Machine Breakdown on the shop floor of Roll Royce Engine Division while waiting for the milling machine I had been allotted to work on repaired.

But in fact it was to be 27.5 years after that experience to learn that Jesus had originally come to show the way how to obtain God’s Divine Love.

And further to that I remember very vividly the roll out of events that would guide me to meet the Unification Church on Monday 20th June1977, and also the experience in relationship to the single yellow flower in July 1977 at South Farm and the connection with the photograph of the solitary single flower taken in a field in my home town in 1975 and later the realisation that it could be a circular representation of a destiny.

Of course I can testify that as these events happen we do not realise the significance of what is taking place, and it is only in looking back with hindsight with an overview of events, and that I now realise that the activities of the UC provided the stepping stones for the ”’experiences” to take place, but that realisation only came about on being shown the existence of the writings in November 2003 because when I emerged out of the back end of the UC and no longer an active member it had me wondering what it was all about as I knew that I had definitely been guided to meet them.

There is however a lot more detail of events which preceded meeting the UC which goes back to the age of eight years, and also many years later after what has been explained here.


Solomon writes of Mr. Padgett’s selection by Jesus.

October 1st, 1915.
