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Yesterday morning while waiting at the bus stop I decided to scroll through some pdf’s on my phone and chose one from Dr Samuels for a change. In the evening I noticed that Peter Jones had left a comment on the Taj Hargey article and felt it appropriate to post the comment below. One thing which did catch my eye, amongst many others, at the time was the comment made by Jesus referring to Circumcision because of the way it is phrased.

This afternoon I had busied myself putting away a few Globetrotter suitcases used for storage and on looking through a second one found a collection of photocopies made from several library books while browsing in a library in Hoboken New Jersey in October or November 1981 just prior to my unexpected departure back to England in the New Year of 82. These copies have remained unlooked at since that time although I did collate some Arthur Ford readings into a small booklet during 1982.

So on looking through the photocopies this afternoon one set mentions Paul telling the Gentiles that they could be saved without circumcision and this relates with the comment made by Jesus in the Revelation received by Dr Samuels through the mediumship of automatic writing in the late 1950s.

This is like a belated affirmation to the validity of the writings, although I do not know if this reference to circumcision is in the Bible or where to find it, but during this same time in Hoboken one of the books on the shelf contained a mention about Mary Baker Eddy suffering in the spirit world because she now realises that some of what she taught was incorrect and so was concerned for her followers. On my arrival back at Victoria Bus Station I spent a little time browsing in a library there too and came across the same passage in a book that I still do not know the title of or the page but was found randomly and Mary Baker Eddy explains the same in messages to James Padgett so is another example which serves as an affirmation to the validity of the messages of The True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus and The Celestial Spirits.

[Quote] Paul and Peter, broke with each other on the question of circumcision for non-Jews. Paul won the day — and these many centuries the gentiles have not received circumcision; yet today circumcision is being more and more practised in hospitals among these self-same gentiles, and by gentiles, and the victory is now seemingly of Peter.[unquote]

The quote from a volume found in Hoboken Library is shown in theĀ photograph above.

Posted Yesterday:

Robert Hole


September 17, 2018 at 8:00 pm

It is interesting that today I came across one of the Revelations from Dr Samuels who himself was a Jew and who was tasked with continuing to receive messages from Jesus and the Celestial Spirits right up until 1960. This one in particular is of Jesus stating that he never intended to create a new Church and that He held onto Judaism. Here is a link to the message in question:
