Comment on Spiritual Truths

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Holy Spirit

September 15th, 1914

Yes, I am your grandmother (Ann Rollins).

[Quote] Jesus is the teacher. The Holy Spirit is God’s Messenger, or Instrument, that carries into the soul, the Divine Love that is bestowed on the Truly penitent human. Jesus is the saviour of humans by his teachings, and his example. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter that carries into the soul the Divine Love. Jesus is still teaching and influencing humans to turn to God.[unquote]

It should be reflected upon that these messages were communicated to Humankind over a Century ago yet there is little of this content, if any, being conveyed by the established Churches to their congregations.

Also for myself, when I listen to Church Services on the radio or even attend a live Church service, when the occasion arises, there in nothing that resonates with me as was always the case in my early teens and even when I attended Confirmation Lessons with the local Parish Priest it just seemed to go over my head.

I tend to remember more the morning assemblies at Primary School where the Headmistress would convey the aspects of love though the readings and not focus on doctrine and it is this feeling of fondness that remains with me. However there was one occasion when this same Headmistress stood in to take a Religious Education lesson in the classroom for an absent teacher, when I was around eight years old, and she was sat on a chair with the class sat on the floor in front of her while she read from the Bible. I myself was sat at a desk with my back to them reading a book of fairy tales and I clearly remember thinking to myself that ‘At least I know that I am reading fairy stories’.

So there was something there beyond my own understanding which was conveying ideas which were not normally Commonly questioned, and there are other examples going right into adult hood, though with a break from 14 to 26 years old but the ball began to roll 2years earlier that was not religious or Christian in particular but for some reason I was out of the blue moved to make a prayer to Jesus and it wasn’t out of the commonly act of desperation, it was just that I felt moved to. Even then I was not in any particular religious bent but out of the blue I had a very deep and moving experience concerning Jesus while waiting on ‘machine breakdown’ at Rolls Royce Engine Division. Even then I continued my life as normal until I was guided to the UC, and I can now understand how this was intentional as the various activities would provide the stepping stones for the personal experiences which were outside of its own teachings but which provided the validation of the Padgett messages, once discovered many years later.

So this leads into another message which I came across on my tablet during the morning while travelling to a venue by bus yesterday(11th February) and I had wanted to open the pdf of volume 2 but it refused to do so and this had happened on a previous occasion and thought that there may be a problem with the tablet or some bug on the pdf reader. However volume 3 opened, though I had difficulty in moving the pages via the blue tab also, and when I tried to move it down the pages would move gradually up which was not what I wanted. Eventually the pages did start freely sliding by and decided to just let them go and see where they came to rest. They stopped on page 209 and felt that it was very appropriate and could make a comment on them. In fact they happen to fit together very nicely with what I have just said of Dave Kenny’s post as the writer of this message is always trying to influence her son to what she has since learned during her time in the spirit world and this was something which I had also often suspected of my own ancestors towards myself. I felt that they were in a position to understand these things because where else could it come from, I thought, and having since learned of some family history during a visit to Berlin in 1986 it suggests that this could be the case.

Page 209 Volume 3

Spirit Mother Of A Material Preacher Writes About Her Spiritual Finding And New Beliefs And Would Like Her Son To Know And Believe As She Does.

One important point which was the reason for writing in the first place is to point out that it is the content of the messages from Jesus and the Celestial Spirits which provide the clarity of spiritual understanding, much of which had been altered by the constant recopying by scribes and also the adding to or removing the original texts of the Holy Scriptures.

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