A Message For Today

Today is another anniversary of the assassination of JFK and it had been the intention to type out on the computer content that had been written in longhand on November 1st after doing more research on the matter but procrastinated.
This morning was the last opportunity to do so and be relevant to the day but on awaking this morning decided to read a post sent by Dave Kenny yesterday titled Messages from Jesus and Celestials on Divine Love which was was received by James Padgett on October 1st 1915. The post had been downloaded onto my mobile a hour after he had posted it but did not have time to read it before reaching my destination home.

So on finally reading the post this morning I found that its content struck a chord with me going back to early 1978 in Central London. It had been at that time that I had been visiting shop to shop and offices in between that I eventually arrived at the office of the Swedenborg Society on the upper floors but they were closed. Even though I had never heard of them before, I was somehow drawn to their name plaque with enough interest to seek out a copy of Swedenborg’s book called Heaven and Hell.

This event is part of several experiences which lead me to believe that they were intended to be a witness and affirmation to the validity of the True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus and the Celestial Spirits, and I am convinced of this because I never ceased searching for spiritual truth.
However I believe that there was also guidance involved because on three separate occasions while searching in the religious sections of libraries, I would randomly brows, flicking though pages of books on the shelves and in the process came across the same passage in a book by a spiritualist who wrote that Mary Baker Eddy was saddened and concerned about the content that she taught and as a consequence the well being of her followers. Now here is an interesting point, which in a sense is also relevant because while travelling around the streets of London, I was aware of the many Christian Science Reading Rooms dotted all over the place but was never drawn or interested in them, except perhaps looking in the window out of muted curiosity in passing. It is for this reason that each time That I came across the same passage I never took a note of the book title or page number and I still do not know to this day but now realise the reason for being guided to those same page thee times. There are messages from Mary Baker Eddy in the writings expressing this same point.

The first occasion was at the library in Praed Street during a six month period of doing security on the front door of a property in London W2 which began at the time of the refuse strike 1979. The second time was in Hoboken Library in New York at the tail end of 1981 just a couple of months prior to an unexpected return to London, and the third time was in a library in the vicinity of Victoria Bus Station on the same day of my return in January 1982.

Of course I did not understand the significance of the varied experiences that I was to have at that time but do remember them like an imprint on the mind that persists but dating them is a different matter and have to tie them in to what I was doing at the time they occurred.

One thing that I can say though, is that with maturity comes greater understanding and appreciation of the truths, and can say this on the grounds of having first read Swedenborg’s Heaven and Hell just before reaching the age of 30 and comparing it with how it is understood and appreciated at an older age 23 years on, but on the foundation of understanding the content of of the True Gospel Revealed anew by Jesus which became known to me in November 2003. By reading these writings it is possible to filter out Swedenborg’s mistakes and also to appreciate the parallels of truth, and at one time I made a compilation, with references to both, one on paper and the other on the computer but unfortunately misplaced them and it turns out to be an impossible job to re do something which was so easy the first time around.

There was also a TV documentary made by the BBC about Julian of Norwich who was a Nun who sealed herself into a small room for the rest of her life in order to receive revelation from God. The first time that I viewed this program it just passed over my head but on the second viewing much later I noticed a reference to divine love and then became aware of the significance and viewed it with different eyes and on downloading mp3 content of her revelations from YouTube, some of the truths from the True Gospel could just be discerned amidst the Old English it was transcribed from and the heavy Catholic doctrine that she was influenced by. However I am sure that there would be no way that these remnants of truth could be discerned without the afore mentioned knowledge of the messages received by James Padgett over 100 years ago.

Dave Kenney
Admin ยท 21 hrs
Messages from Jesus and Celestials on Divine Love
October 1st, 1915
I came merely to say that I have listened to your conversation tonight, and was much interested, because you have discussed that phase of human’s destiny, which is most important in all the Economy, or Plans, of the Father.
Your being chosen to do this work was not the thing of the moment, but for a long period of time the Highest Spirits of the Celestial Heavens have considered this great question. The way by which the Great Truths of God, and the necessary Plans for Human’s Salvation, could be made known to mortals.
Heretofore, the difficulty has been in finding a human gifted with mediumistic powers, who had the unbiased mind, and yet a Knowledge, to some extent of the soul’s requirements, and who could be used for the purpose of receiving these Great Truths, and transmitting them to humanity.
Some years ago, as you say, a selection was made of a man to declare these Truths (Swedenborg). To him, much power and Spiritual Knowledge were given. Even that power of leaving the body and visiting the World of Spirits that he might see for himself, the Actual Condition of things, as they there existed, and to declare to humankind the results of his observations. He did observe, and declare many Truths. The difficulty, in the way of his realizing the Pure Truth, and interpreting the things, which he saw, was that his mind was too much biased by what he had read and believed from the writings as contained in the Bible. Hence, his efforts failed to accomplish the Great Purpose intended by the mission given him. I am here referring to Swedenborg, the seer, as he was called.
This was a great disappointment to these Celestial Spirits, who had projected such a plan for revealing the Truths to humankind. At the head of these, Celestial Spirits was Jesus, as he is now. Since that time, the time has never been propitious for a plan of this kind to be attempted again, until now.
Now, instead of having the mortal, through whom this plan is to be worked, leave their body, and come to the Spirit World, and then relate the results, and interpretations of their observations, it has been determined, that the Truths shall be declared to the mortal in the words and thoughts of these spirits, so that no mistake, or wrong interpretation, can possibly occur. Hence, when we saw the possibilities of your becoming a medium, with powers sufficient, and a soul capable of development, to receive these thoughts and words, it was decided to select you, and make you the medium for doing this Great Work. Of course, Jesus was the active Superior Spirit in making the selection. We all submitted to his judgment. Such is the decree. Now you will understand why you were selected, and the fact that you have been selected.
I have told you this tonight, because I have been selected by the others to do so. I, as the wise man of old, tell you from a Knowledge, founded on fact.
So both of you realize your missions, and strive with all your might to acquire this Great Faith and Soul Development, which are absolutely necessary to a successful performance of the work.
We are with you very often, trying to incline your thoughts to the Higher Things, and to fill your souls with their influences, which our Love for you creates around you. So in behalf of all of us who are promoting this Great Work, I give you our Love and blessings.
Your brother in Christ, Solomon the wise of the Old Testament, and the more than wise of the Followers of Christ.

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