Here is something which I had previously posted to Facebook back in 4th of April 2018. I had been thinking about relocating the article because I had recently come across the transparency of the single yellow flower in a field near my home and had devised a way of reproducing it together with the date stamp on the mount. The photograph represents some proof of what I wrote is true and am keen to submit any evidence available to the truth of my experiences as they do seem to be out of the ordinary as far as discovering reports of similar experiences by others.
The following testimony has since been removed from Facebook and am happy to post it here on the religious blog of Polemical which was set up by Peter Jones precisely for the purpose of preserving my writing submissions realising also from his own experience that often they are temporal when posted on social media as they can disappear into the Ether as described by Peter. Here is the Facebook Link
Robert Hole It is true what you say and had recently come across a writing that said words to the effect that people are expecting God and Jesus to miraculously make an ideal World but that this will never occur as it is men themselves who need to change their hearts. The interconnections that I was referring to was of events related to my experiences. One such experience which has never been mentioned before is about following a public footpath after stepping over a stile near my home, and in a field there was a single yellow flower and I was so taken aback that I took a photograph of it and making sure to show its location. There was a symbolism that wasn’t lost on me for some reason and during my cycling trips into the countryside I would take photographs of fields full of yellow flowers, mostly dandelions. Eventually when I ended up on a farm which held spiritual workshops in the summer of 1977 I ventured out to follow the track which ran along an abandoned railway line or site of. Eventually I began to feel that I should turn back but something urged me to keep going and eventually I could see some buildings in the distance which I felt was a reason that I should not go further. However I continued a little more and eventually there was an entrance to a small field on my right and my inner voice said to go into the field and and walk to the middle which I did. When the inner voice said to stop, it then said look down and there in front of me was a single yellow flower. I knew then that I had had an experience. When I made my way back there were people gathered together in a happy mood waiting to go out baling so I joined them and we walked together to the tractor and its trailer and everybody jumped on. I chose to stand at the back of the trailer holding onto what is called the gate which helps to keep the bales of hay from falling off the back. We travelled a short distance to the exit just before the road to pick up a few more people and while travelling I saw in my minds eye an image of the gate breaking away and myself falling face first into the road. My instant reaction was to change places and move to the front of the trailer and holding on there. So then extra people joined and came on board and one of them was an Italian named Carlo Z and as he positioned himself to sit down at the back of the trailer he held onto the gate to steady himself and the gate came away free and he was sat there with the gate held in the air in his hands. Having arrived in the field the trailer was loaded up quite high and some people decided to ride back on top but I knew it was going to collapse. I tried to tell them that this would happen but nobody took any notice so I myself just left them to it. As the trailer reached the exit of the the field for the return journey the front collapsed and the people on top scrambled back. Who would ever have known that the symbolism of the yellow flowers would come together like that but the explanation was the whole sequence of events for that afternoon. The area that the first yellow flower had been photographed has been developed into a retail park but I have an old OS map somewhere which If I ever find it again will show the position of the public footpath.
Written Midnight 4th April 2018
This copy was made with a camera that has a pixel setting of 3M which gave a megabyte count of just 1.48 MB but the resultant image has been reduced to 68 kb after uploading unfortunately.
Yesterday morning while waiting at the bus stop I decided to scroll through some pdf’s on my phone and chose one from Dr Samuels for a change. In the evening I noticed that Peter Jones had left a comment on the Taj Hargey article and felt it appropriate to post the comment below. One thing which did catch my eye, amongst many others, at the time was the comment made by Jesus referring to Circumcision because of the way it is phrased.
This afternoon I had busied myself putting away a few Globetrotter suitcases used for storage and on looking through a second one found a collection of photocopies made from several library books while browsing in a library in Hoboken New Jersey in October or November 1981 just prior to my unexpected departure back to England in the New Year of 82. These copies have remained unlooked at since that time although I did collate some Arthur Ford readings into a small booklet during 1982.
So on looking through the photocopies this afternoon one set mentions Paul telling the Gentiles that they could be saved without circumcision and this relates with the comment made by Jesus in the Revelation received by Dr Samuels through the mediumship of automatic writing in the late 1950s.
This is like a belated affirmation to the validity of the writings, although I do not know if this reference to circumcision is in the Bible or where to find it, but during this same time in Hoboken one of the books on the shelf contained a mention about Mary Baker Eddy suffering in the spirit world because she now realises that some of what she taught was incorrect and so was concerned for her followers. On my arrival back at Victoria Bus Station I spent a little time browsing in a library there too and came across the same passage in a book that I still do not know the title of or the page but was found randomly and Mary Baker Eddy explains the same in messages to James Padgett so is another example which serves as an affirmation to the validity of the messages of The True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus and The Celestial Spirits.
[Quote] Paul and Peter, broke with each other on the question of circumcision for non-Jews. Paul won the day — and these many centuries the gentiles have not received circumcision; yet today circumcision is being more and more practised in hospitals among these self-same gentiles, and by gentiles, and the victory is now seemingly of Peter.[unquote]
The quote from a volume found in Hoboken Library is shown in the photograph above.
The section in quotes was posted on a closed forum but I wish to include it here because it highlight the historical plight of women in the church, any church because of the historical prevalence of the Patriarchal system of governance.
It is very clear from the Gnostic Bibles that Mary Magdalene had an astute spiritual mind capable of understanding the deeper nuances of meaning in the teachings given by Jesus that usually went over the heads of other disciples. ( If I remember rightly, I had written more here at this point about women being predominantly active in the church, this is something that we can see everywhere especially in Spiritualist Churches which seem to be predominantly run by women. Therefore women should be able to hold an equal and rightful place in the running of a church if available and qualified to do so. That is my opinion anyway. The content may have become lost by not saving it properly.)
[Quote]It came to pass then, when the First Mystery had finished speaking these words unto the disciples, that Mary came forward and said: “My Lord, my mind is ever understanding, at every time to come forward and set forth the solution of the words which she hath uttered; but I am afraid of Peter, because he threatened me and hateth our sex.”
And when she had said this, the First Mystery said unto her: “Every one who shall be filled with the spirit of light to come forward and set forth the solution of what I say,–no one shall be able to prevent him. Now, therefore, O Mary, set forth then the solution of the words which Pistis Sophia hath uttered.”
Then Mary answered and said unto the First Mystery in the midst of the disciples: “My Lord, concerning the solution of the words which Pistis Sophia hath uttered, thus hath thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David:
“‘1. I will exalt thee, O Lord, for thou hast received me, and thou hast not made glad my foes over me.
“‘2. O Lord, my God, I cried up unto thee, and thou hast healed me.
“‘3. O Lord, thou hast led up my soul out of hell; thou hast saved me from them which have gone down into the pit.'” (Pistis Sophia, Chapter 72)[unquote]
From the messages of the True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus it is mentioned that Jesus was teaching His disciples the way to seek God’s Divine Love as a way to become at one with the Father and the phenomena of the Pentecost was the culmination of this.
However this knowledge was lost in the years following the Crucifixion so these messages given to James Padgett and later to Dr Samuels who himself was a Jew through the mediumship of automatic writing is a way of giving them back to humanity. Even the three points mentioned above indicate that Mary had been in receipt of the Divine Love which comes as the result of heart felt seeking and with it comes increased spiritual wisdom.
I believe that there is a passage in Pistis Sophia where Mary is able to travel into the spirit world to be able to observe her own spiritual state and it seemed to be a bit of an eye opener for her. Although she hadn’t actually died it is likely that she travelled to the lower realms where she could come face to face with her reality. This was something that I had intended to comment on at the time of reading but didn’t. I felt that she had been able to travel in much the same way that Emanuel Swedenborg was allowed to in order to be able to experience and report on the various spiritual realms which he wrote about in Heaven and Hell.
It could be that the first point refers to the fact that Mary has been able to gain wisdom and be able to hold her own against those who would seek to ridicule her in the physical world, but on the other hand it could also possibly be in reference to the third point also because it has been explained that the occupants of the lower realms seek to prevent those who wish to leave the Hells from doing so by dragging them back down with ridicule and the nastiness which is theirs and evil.
And point two could be a reference to Mary seeking the Divine Love and healing her.
There is also a conundrum here because of Mary stating that the answer was prophesied by David. If the answer was prophesied then it should be in the future and it has also been mentioned that the availability of Divine Love only became available to humankind after the coming of Jesus, who has been referred to as the Second Adam.
Here is a passage from Emanuel Swedenborg’s Heaven and Hell, page 258 on the pdf. The numbers from within the text are numbered references for explanation notes, not included here.
The passage, in effect reflects on the fact that Jesus came for the whole of mankind as the promised Messiah but was not recognised at the time resulting in his mission being brought to an abrupt end. So what was to become the birth of Christianity, as a result out of necessity, carried forward the promise of the Second Coming, which is the spiritual event of disseminating and clarifying the truths for the benefit of mankind.
Non-Christians, or People outside the Church, in Heaven
THE general opinion is that people who have been born outside the church, the people called “the nations” or “non-Christians,”208 cannot be saved because they do not have the Word and therefore do not know the Lord; and without the Lord there is no salvation.209 They could know, however, that these people too are saved simply from the fact that the Lord’s mercy is universal, that is, it is extended to all individuals. Non-Christians are born just as human as people within the church, who are in fact few by comparison. It is not their fault that they do not know the Lord. So anyone who thinks from any enlightened reason at all can see that no one is born for hell. The Lord is actually love itself, and his love is an intent to save everyone. So he provides that everyone shall have some religion, an acknowledgement of the Divine Being through that religion, and an inner life. That is, living according to one’s religious principles is an inner life, for then we focus on the Divine; and to the extent that we do focus on the Divine, we do not focus on the world but move away from the world and therefore from a worldly life, which is an outward life. a People can realize that non- Christians as well as Christians are saved if they know what constitutes heaven in us; for heaven is within us, and people who have heaven within them come into heaven. The heaven within us is our acknowledgement of the Divine and our being led by the Divine. The beginning and foundation of every religion is its acknowledgement of the Divine Being; a religion that does not acknowledge the Divine Being is not a religion at all. The precepts of every religion focus on worship, that is, on how the Divine is to be honoured so that we will be acceptable in its sight; and when this fully occupies the mind (or, to the extent that we intend this or love this) we are being led by the Lord. It is recognized that non-Christians live lives that are just as moral as the lives of Christians—many of them, in fact, live more moral lives. A moral life may be lived either to satisfy the Divine or to satisfy people in this world. A moral life that is lived to satisfy the Divine is a spiritual life. The two look alike in outward form, but inwardly they are totally different. One saves us, the other does not. This is because if we live a moral life to satisfy the Divine we are being led by the Divine; while if we live a moral life to satisfy people in this world, we are being led by ourselves. [2] This may be illustrated by an example . If we do harm to our neighbour that is against our religion and therefore against the Divine , our ref r a i n i ng from evil stems from a spiritual source . But if we refrain from doing harm to others simply because we are afraid of the law or of losing our reputation or respect or profit — for the sake of self and the world , that is — then this stems from a natural source and we are being led by ourselves . This latter life is natural , while the former is spiritual . If our moral life is spiritual , we have heaven within our selves ; but if our moral life is merely natural , we do not have heaven with in ourselves . This is because heaven flows in from above, opens our deeper natures , and flows through those deeper natures into our more outward natures ; while the world flows in from below and opens our more outward natures but not our deeper natures . No inflow occurs from the natural world into the spiritual , only from the spiritual world into the natural ; so if heaven is not accepted at the same time , the deeper levels are closed. We can see from this who accept heaven into themselves and who do not.
[3] However,the heaven in one individual is not the same as the heaven in another. It differs in each according to the affection for what is good and true. If people are absorbed in an affection for what is good for the sake of the Divine, they love divine truth because the good and the true love each other and want to be united. Consequently, non-Christian people who have not had access to genuine truths in the world still accept them in the other life because of their love. 21 0 There was one spirit from a non-Christian country who had lived a good and thoughtful life according to his religion in this world. When he heard some Christian spirits discussing their creeds (spirits talking to each other reason much more exhaustively and acutely than people on earth, especially about what is good and true), he was astonished to find that they quarrelled. He said he did not want to listen, since they were arguing on the basis of deceptive appearances. His advice to them was, “If I am a good person, I can know what is true simply from its goodness, and I can be open to what I do not know.” I have been taught by a great many instances that if non-Christians have lived decent lives, intent on obedience and appropriate deference and in mutual thoughtfulness as their religion requires so that they have acquired a measure of conscience, they are accepted in the other life and are taught by angels about matters of goodness and truth with most sensitive care. Once they have been taught, they behave unpretentiously , intelligently,and wisely and readily accept and absorb truths. This is because no false principles have taken form to oppose truths of faith, principles that would need to be ousted, let alone slanders against the Lord, as is the case for many Christians whose treasured concept of the Lord is simply of an ordinary human being. It is different for non-Christians.
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) When they hear that God became a person here and made himself known in the world, they acknowledge it immediately and revere the Lord.
( Emanuel Swedenborg was a forerunner of James Padgett two centuries earlier, and had the same mission of disseminating God’s truth to the World. However he held onto some doctrinal concepts that are not true as explained in the Padgett writings. It was because of these errors that it was necessary for James Padgett to receive messages of greater clarity from Jesus and the Celestial Spirits.
Here of course Swedenborg is referring to Jesus as God but this is incorrect. The last two lines of the sentence below are true and of course applies to God the Creator, Father of all mankind but also within this sentence Swedenborg is inferring this to Jesus as the Godhead which Jesus emphasises he is not. However Jesus holds a special position of being the mediator between Mankind and God as a Son of God, teacher as well as the first to enter the highest realms of the Celestial Heavens and to show the way to others.
It is better to be familiar with the writings of James Padgett first before those of Emanuel Swedenborg so as to be able to recognise when errors occur )
They say that of course God made himself known; after all, he is the God of heaven and earth, and the human race belongs to him.
c It is a divine truth that there is no salvation apart from the Lord, but this needs to be understood as meaning that there is no salvation that does not come from the Lord. There are many planets in the universe, all full of inhabitants.( A repeat of the erroneous concept that Jesus is God) Hardly any of them know that the Lord took on a human nature on our planet. Still, though, since they do revere the Divine Being in human form, they are accepted and led by the Lord. On this matter, see the booklet Other Planets.211 There are wise and simple people among non-Christians just as there are among Christians. To show me what they were like, I have been allowed to talk with both kinds, sometimes for hours and even for days. Nowadays, though, there are not wise ones like those of ancient times, especially in the early church 212 (this covered much of the Near East 213 and was the source from which religion spread to many non-Christian peoples). I have been allowed to carry on personal conversations with some of them in order to find out what they were like. One particular individual was with me who had been one of the wise at one time and who was therefore well known in the scholarly world. I talked with him about various subjects and was given to believe that he was Cicero. Since I knew that he was wise, we talked about wisdom, intelligence, the pattern of reality, the Word, and finally about the Lord. [2] On wisdom, he said that there was no wisdom that was not a matter of life, and that wisdom could not be an attribute of anything else. On intelligence, he said that it came from wisdom. On the pattern of reality, he said that the pattern comes from the Supreme Deity, and that living in accord with this pattern is being wise and intelligent. As to the Word, when I read him something from the prophets he was utterly enchanted,
Here ,Emanuel Swedenborg judges himself harshly but it is because he understands the importance of the messages of Divine Truth. What he accomplished when his spiritual eyes were open is still valuable and Jesus expresses that much of what Swedenborg reported about is true. It is doctrinal beliefs which Swedenborg held on to which puts a certain slant on some of his perception.
There are passages in Heaven and Hell which mirror those in The True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus but James Padgett manages to maintain the same standard of detail throughout and this is because he was especially chosen for his particular qualities and not as another Seer able to travel and report about the Spirit World. Jesus has said that in time more information will be given as mankind becomes capable of understanding more deeply, but also because Jesus himself continues to grow spiritually and he has said that He now understands more now than when He walked the Earth two thousand years ago.
This particular article kind of parallels the ideas written in the What Could Dark Matter Be, and the second part designated by adding 2 to the title in the Religious blog of
When first learning of the True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus, I was moved by the fact that Jesus closed His messages by adding at the end, Your friend and brother Jesus.
This morning, news regarding Israel and Palestine and the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and the impending conflict with Iran was in the news on the radio and this prompted me to search for the passage in the writings where Jesus said that the Messiah will never return to the Jews again. This was also prompted because they still believe that they have a privileged position which was also heard to be expressed by a person being interviewed this morning.
While searching I saw in the index of volume 3,a reference to Mary Baker Eddy which I thought would be good to tag onto a previous piece that had been written, and along the way saw the passage where Jesus says that He is forever learning more from God the Father, as this fact was also expressed in a different way elsewhere when Jesus stated that he understands more now, spiritually, than he did when He walked the Earth.
So again, this morning I was deeply moved by Jesus’ freedom of heart to reveal this truth about himself which is also in keeping with His making clear that He was born of both a man and a woman just the same as everyone else who has ever been a mortal on Earth and not , as believed, of a virgin or that He is God. Both these are expressed by Jesus, through the writings, to be blasphemous and which do much harm to those who hold such beliefs by impeding their spiritual progression.
Some time ago I wrote an item explaining that when people finally enter their eternal home in the spirit world that they do not become instantly all wise and knowing but that spiritual growth is a process of development similar to what has always been done through education in our schools, intellectually for the development of the mind, except that it is a continuous learning process,in an internal spiritual way. So it was a surprise to learn that this also applies to Jesus as well. The only difference being is that he was the first and is leading the way to teach us how, to point us in the right direction. This is why Jesus is the Messiah, the mediator between mankind and God who came for that purpose over 2000 years ago.
From The True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus, Volume 3 page 50
Jesus Admits That His Power Is Limited In Some Things And Does Not Always Know The Answer Without Going To The Father, The Source Of All Knowledge.
I AM HERE, Jesus:
Of course you must remember that I don’t know everything that has happened or that is going to happen. I have my limitations as have other spirits but of course my knowledge and powers are more extended than are those of other spirits. This is true because I am nearer my Father, fountainhead of wisdom and power, and consequently can draw therefrom more than can other spirits. Yet I am limited as I said and should you ask me some questions and I not be able to answer them with knowledge, I will tell you and you must not be surprised or disappointed at my inability to do so.
(Reply to a question)… I was not present and don’t know and cannot guess. Well that is a difficult question to answer for it involves so much of my very existence that I feel that my ability to tell you is limited.
I love you so very much that I have come from my celestial home many times just to be with you and help and influence you in right thinking and living; and no spirit who has never seen the grandeur and happiness of these Celestial Spheres can conceive what it means to leave these precincts and mingle in the forbidding earth atmosphere.
I love you so much that I am writing to exert my powers to help you in your material affairs and to keep you from worry and unhappiness as far as possible. And I love you so much that I am trying to have you become so spiritual and good that you may be fitted for a home in my sphere when the time comes for you to come over; and this latter beneficence has never yet been given to any mortal. But if you will follow me and live with me in love and unison you will be able to experience this great transformation and become an inhabitant of my home as I said.
Well you are a sinner, as you say, but when I tell you of how you may become so spiritual and good you must believe me for I know whereof I speak and speak in all earnestness and truth.
(Reply to a question) Yes, I did, for you called me to you by your earnest aspirations and prayers to the Father. and what you then saw in your imaginings may very easily come true, EXCEPT THAT I WILL NEVER MATERIALIZE AGAIN ON EARTH. The other portions of your day dreams may become realities, and the happiness that you felt will be increased many folds…..
When I first saw this when it was first shown on 28th of April I had an answer in mind after reading it several times but there were other things on my mind and it needed some time to formulate a reasonable explanation. So it had been on my mind to do it today.
The Gospel Of Philip
The sons of heavenly Man outnumber
the sons of earthly man.
Though the sons of Adam are many, they are mortal;
the sons of the realized Man [telleios] never die,
for they are constantly being reborn. The Gospel Of Philip Translated by Jean-Yves Leloup
The sons of heavenly Man ( The total number of spirits dwelling in the spiritual world since the creation of mortals) outnumber the sons of earthly man ( Those who presently reside on planet Earth).
Though the sons of Adam are many, they are mortal; ( There are two possibilities here, the first being that the sons of Adam continue to be physically born on Earth if it is taken that Adam is the first human ancestor, therefore they will physically die, but also there is the spiritual death that Jesus spoke about, and this could also apply to those who are already in the spirit world. In The True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus it is spoken of those who enter the spirit world only developing their Natural love while those who acquire God’s Divine Love will exist for eternity, to be immortal, in the Celestial Heavens).
the sons of the realized Man [telleios] never die, for they are constantly being reborn. ( On looking up the word tellios, one of the meanings is given as perfect. In the True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus the term perfect refers to those who have attained the position of Adam and Eve before the Fall. That then is the starting point. It has been described that in the spiritual world there are many realms or levels and to be allowed admission depends solely on the level of spiritual growth or development. So just like when Nicodemus asked Jesus what he must do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus replied that he must be born again. So in this context, being reborn could refer to the process of moving up through the levels. This is my interpretation of this passage anyway).
Good OP. Focuses the mind and provides a reason to put ideas together. I tend to believe that it is dark matter that has always existed and is something that scientists know exists because mathematical calculations indicate that it should be there but they don’t know what it is.
So Tammy O’Brien is most likely closer to the truth. It is likely that Dark Matter isn’t just ”out there” far out in the universe but is all around us and is the substance of the spiritual dimension. And if so it is all around us because we are told that the lower spiritual realms exist on the Earth plane and that evil spirits are Earth bound. However there are different spiritual realms that exist’ as if in layers around this planet. Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, who was able to go into a deep sleep and astrally travel to the spirit world to retrieve medical cures, that had been long lost in history, from the Akashic Records, says that the planets are the dwelling places of the spirit World. Because his newly retrieved remedies proved to work as long as the patient followed the procedures described for treatment exactly, and also requested the help in the first place, then this was proof enough to believe what ever else he had to say.
So we know that planets are hostile in all of their variations, to human life, but the physical and the spiritual exist on a different vibration, and are a part of the extensive range of the electromagnetic spectrum. So it would be logical to expect that the physical does not interfere with the spiritual but the mass of each planet provides a gravitational environment. If this did not matter then there would likely be no requirement for the spirit world to exist on planets in the first place. So the environment of planet Earth has to have special conditions to support human life for a particular purpose.
God said that I am that I am, and always existed and it could be argued that what scientists have chosen to call Dark Matter was the predominant form of energy in the never ending void that we call Space and that the Big Bang was a transformational event which created physical matter, directly out of dark matter, upon which physical life as we know it can exist on our own particular planet, Earth.
Over the last week or so just gone, the idea came to me that God had desired to create company for Himself and that the process would be one of replication, similar to what we observe on Earth, except that what we experience here is actually part of this whole process. Many may believe that life on Earth is the be all and end all and that afterwards there is nothing, or on the other hand that if there is belief of an afterlife then it is a nice afterthought, while others may believe that this idea is nothing but nonsense.
The key to this is the knowledge or understanding that there is a pool of pre existing souls who consist of themselves and their soulmate, male and female, who on incarnation into the World do so at the same time but in different locations and the purpose is to develop individual character and form so that they are suitably developed for life in the everlasting spirit world.
I had written something on 26th of April which explains more and had almost forgotten about, which was the result of the feeling that God created for want of company, and this in the end is why the goal of obtaining God’s Divine Love is so important.
26th April 2018 ( The date is included because this time will be forgotten if not noted down).
Decided to put on the radio on awaking this morning 26th April 2018 and a program on Radio 4 was already underway about nuclear physics and as usual Radio 4 communicates in a clear educated manner but this topic proved to be a bit of a stretch for the minds of the interviewer but this is the nature of the subject which presents a constant challenge for researchers.
I was reminded of the time back in 1965 having moved to a new family home laying in bed reflecting on the similarities of mechanics of the solar system and that of the atomic world and picturing what may be the same dynamics in action.
The only other cause to have had reference to the atomic world was when Brian Whitgeranhi would emerge out onto the pavement at Lancaster Gate after attending the regular meetings for professors and enthusiastically shared some newly learned information with me while on door duty between December 1979 to June 1980. This time it was about Up Quarks and Down Quarks.
Of course the realisation followed, over time, that scientists are only discovering what already exits in the created world and that there are many things that we take for granted which are not fully understood. However mankind was created to be a co creator and as such have created many amazing things of benefit as well, unfortunately, detrimental to society.
Just yesterday an insight came to mind which mirrors the idea of sitting on the Right hand of God and of course this idea conjures up the idea of something that is not a reality, that of being physically up in the clouds with a bearded man. However there is a certain truth in which it encapsulates.
So what possibly was the prime purpose for the creation of the material world which is believed to have been kick started by The Big Bang, as it is described. It had been said that the planets did not exist before the big bang but that afterwards there was the clumping of protons.
From Radio 4, In Our Time – The Proton:
[Quote] Protons came soon after the Big Bang, about a second or so. Protons were the first of the now existing particles, if you like, that emerged out of the Big Bang, and they are, to the best of our experiments stable and so protons have been around ever since then. An individual proton doesn’t spontaneously decay and convert to something else.
So the protons which were created within a second of the Big Bang, they are all around and gravitationally attract one another until there are huge clumps of protons which we call stars, like the Sun. Our Sun is an example of a star which is made up of predominantly protons and electrons….. [unquote].
God of the Bible says that I am that I am and always existed. We learn from the True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus of the fact that there is a pool of male/ female soulmate spirits, which pre exist, waiting to be incarnated on Earth where they will develop their individuality and character, independently of each other and who later pass on to live for ever in the eternal spirit world. As such while on Earth it should be natural to have this relationship in the spirit and man in fact should be able to act as an interface between the physical world and the spiritual world. This must have been how Jesus came to know the deeper truths of Gods will.
This is a description of explanation which came about due to the thought which came to mind yesterday that God had a desire to create company for himself, on a spiritual level, but that the love which would be shared had to be mutual out of free will, and not out of compulsion. Therefore the creation of the physical world plays its part as a system for replication by providing the conditions to play host for the incarnation of pre existing spirits who are then able to develop their character, form and spiritual development according to God’s will and then go on to reside forever in the higher realms of the spirit world. So perhaps Sitting at the right of God has some truth as a concept but most peoples concept would be the unlikelihood of physical man being up there somewhere in the sky alongside a white bearded man. Jesus has said that he has never seen God but can feel His presence.
What we have in reality, is a system of replication, to serve spiritual level, and which the physical world also has and created, to enable the physical medium for this process to take place.
It seems that there is a parallel process taking place where the advancement of science is growing evermore while at the same time there is a declining movement away from Christian belief. There is dilemma here because on one hand the old incorrect beliefs need to fade away to make room for those which are correct, as explained in the writings, but also the fact that people are failing to be attracted and educated in Christian values, be it old or new, as per the writings, means that Society seems to be degenerating on one level where people with power and wealth are preying on every one else, and also where crime becomes a normal way of life except for those who naturally lean towards goodness.
It is quite interesting that Stephen Hawkin who was struck down with motor neuron disease at a relatively young age was able to continue in his profession as a theoretical physicist and be much admired for his accomplishments. However he was an atheist and there was a TV program with himself with him and Richard Dawking, an evolutionary scientist, who is what may be described as a militant atheist. So there they were together and I had anticipated some really strong anti religious sentiment out of Richard Dawking but instead it was from Steven Hawking’s own mouth and Richard responded by saying ”You said that, not me”. .
There are physical laws taking place in the world of the small which are so inextricable in their process to be able to fully understand. So the purpose of life on Earth is to enable full spiritual development so that the heart of mankind can be like the heart of God substantially so that this would enable a natural process of give and take to occur. We still think of this as being separate and for our own benefit only but it seems reasonable to believe that companionship was the original motive for Creation.
Because humans are spirit who have a body, then it should be natural to be able to have a reciprocal relationship of give and take (this Language has only just begun to be used today -UC Give And Take terminology).
While travelling home by bus I watched a little UK Column live on YouTube then switched to to the True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus Volume 2 and was particularly looking for some explanation about symbolism in the Bible but instead came across the testimony of the first Human ancestors whom we know as Adam and Eve but they are in fact named Aman and Amon. Their testimony is in keeping with certain elements mentioned this morning and although I had yet to complete what was written this morning, it had been on my mind to tell a cut down version of an experience which I had in Mountjoy Road in Huddersfield in 1978 and it so happens that in the testimony Aman states that they were created beings which also supports what is written elsewhere which goes against accepted thought.
So this is what was read on the bus this evening;
Quite honestly it is safe to any of the messages which originate directly from the original four volumes of the True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus. This site has been used now simply because of the links to the readings above. However when it comes to the contemporary readings, they are definitely not accurate and contradict what James Padgett had received in places.
Padgett was especially chosen for his qualities and it has taken 2000 years although a first attempt was made with Emanuel Swedenborg back in the 18th century. His own limitations are also covered in the messages received by James Padgett but it has been explained that Swedenborg’s experiences of visiting the Spirit realms are true.
The following item had been written back in 2015 and came across it again while looking through a hard drive for certain videos that I had made. It is often the case that early in the morning ideas on what needs to be done, or comments to make become overruled by something else that presents itself out of the blue, unexpectedly. So this morning, together with this comment which had been pasted to the desktop, I also came across some of the Padgett writings in three languages as PDFs, English, French and German. It is therefore seems appropriate to copy them, for reference, at the end of the following:
(1st July 2015 – Date of the word document)
On Saturday I woke early and decided to take a look at the various sites I had been following on Facebook. The wealth of new stories just keep on coming regarding the gradual demise of our Society by those who gain positions of power to make decisions over us and supposedly on our behalf. The big question on my mind was what could be done about it and the feeling was not a lot really because of the way institutions have been cobbled together in ways that were never intended.
For a while now the idea of only putting likes on Facebook instead of making comments had been on my mind but always there is something that is hard not to respond to in a reactionary kind of way or even just to find out more.
So that morning I made the decision to log off of Facebook and instead read excerpts from The True Gospels Revealed Anew By Jesus. These readings were originally held by The Foundation Church of The New Birth who were acting as custodians and had published the various volumes for dissemination to the public acting as a Church without walls and they also ran a website to put out the same information. The original incarnation of the website was old fashioned by today’s standards but it was very effective in making the readings easily accessible and simple to navigate to items of interest, that is to dip in and out where ever the fancy takes you. A lot of effort has been put into the new look website and the rewording of the introduction is much appreciated (since changed again) and also the print presentation is very easy to read on a mobile which is a bonus. However whenever I have gone on to the new website it feels a little like being blinkered because you don’t know what is in each section or page until you are on it and there are only small sections to read each time so it becomes more of a tedious mouse clicking exercise.
As a result I decided to find out what more is out there on the web because, although the Foundation Church of The New Birth was the original caretaker of the writings and had made the pledge not to add or take away as has been the case with the Holy Scriptures, a body of people who wanted to do exactly that broke away and took a portion of original documents with them. So I decided to search and came across this passage which tends to support the perception that Jesus came to show mankind the right way to live as conveyed during my experience at Rolls Royce engineering shop while on ‘machine breakdown’ in 1976.
This was the passage that caught my eye: ”My mission on earth was to show men the Way to the Father’s Love, and to declare to them the Great Gift of this Love, and also to break down and destroy the erroneous beliefs and ignorance that then existed among men as what was necessary, in order to seek for and obtain this Love of the Father and their own salvation. And so far as the truths, moral or spiritual, which I taught, antagonized the false beliefs and practices of men, there was and necessarily would be a conflict in the thoughts and lives of those who followed me and those who persisted in their existing beliefs. To this extent I brought a sword into the world, but it was not the sword that called for bloodshed and murder and persecutions. It was the sword that pierced men’s souls, where this great conflict should and must be fought to the end.”
Here are the links to PDFs in three languages. Dr Samuels is Jewish and received many messages that relate to the Old Testament. From the website.
Functional links can be found on the following web page:
The Padgett Messages 1914 To 1923 Free Downloads
This page now has free downloads of both Padgett’s and Samuels’ messages.
Many of these messages have been published in one or other form. If you would like to buy books based on these messages, try this link. However, we deliberately offer all these messages without charge, on this web site.
We have recently created a single chronological publication of the messages, in the date order in which James Padgett received them. This pdf file also has the very latest editing, and footnotes. It is however over 5Mb. This was published in November 2011.
If you do not have a program to read these, there is a free program available. The standard program for reading that pdf format, is a free download from Adobe.
As some readers may not know how to open these formats, I will now offer some advice on that epub can be read on a number of applications, such as Firefox, and Chrome as well as Calibre under Windows. The browsers will require an additional module to be installed. There are also apps for Android and Iphone. Mobi is best read using one of the free applications you can get from Amazon, and Amazon will also allow you to email the file to your Ipad, or Kindle if you have these set up as destinations in your account. The Amazon app called “Send to Kindle” can be used easily to achieve this. (Please note: If you install an Amazon application, make absolutely sure you download it from Amazon, not just the first site on the Google page. I have found out the hard way that some folks are re-packaging the Amazon application, and adding some malicious code. Beware.)
The very latest (2014) editions of the original publications produced by Dr Stone, and entitled “True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus” are available as free pdfs, and as epubs, and as an Amazon format file-mobi:
Volume 1 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in pdf
TG1.pdf (2.7 MB)
Volume 1 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in epub
TGRABJV1.epub (645.3 KB)
Volume 1 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in mobi (Kindle format) MB)
Volume 2 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in pdf
TG2.pdf (2.8 MB)
Volume 2 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in epub
TGRABJV2.epub (615.5 KB)
Volume 2 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in mobi (Kindle format) (2.4 MB)
Volume 3 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in pdf
TG3.pdf (3.1 MB)
Volume 3 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in epub
TGRABJV3.epub (654.6 KB)
Volume 3 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in mobi (Kindle format) (2.7 MB)
Volume 4 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in pdf
TG4.pdf (2.8 MB)
Volume 4 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in epub
TGRABJV4.epub (705.8 KB)
Volume 4 of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus in mobi (Kindle format) (2.6 MB)
All the Padgett Messages in date order – pdf format
The issue of duplicated messages has been resolved in these latest editions of the original publications. They also have dates where known and a very large number of footnoted cross references.
There are now some German translations available.
Volume 1 of Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth – pdf format
Offenbarungen_der_gottlichen_Wahrheit.pdf (4.4 MB)
Volume 1 of Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth – epub format
Offenbarungen_der_gottlichen_Wahrheit.epub (696.5 KB)
Volume 1 of Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth – Kindle azw3 format
Offenbarungen_der_gottlichen_Wahrheit.azw3 (859.2 KB)
We also now have free downloads of Dr. Samuels Messages.
English Revelations
Samuels_Revelations.pdf (886.4 KB)
English Sermons
Samuels_Sermons.pdf (974.7 KB)
French Revelations
Revelations au Dr Samuels.pdf (1.2 MB)
French Sermons
Sermons au Dr Samuels.pdf (1.3 MB)