Some people, certain atheists for instance, believe and say that Jesus Christ even did not exist and New Testament and such character are imaginations of under-trodden and suppressed people.
Assume that this is correct. Still, something remains unclear. Why all the hostilities described against Jesus Christ are being repeated again as if he is still alive and is among us at this time.
Why such a big machine of mass media, in this sneaky, covert way tries to infame and vilify Him. Why it selects supposedly a Muslim to convey its concealed message. What Muslims attribute to Jesus Christ, is almost the same as Christians. Muslims call him “The Word” and “The Spirit” of God. They have no hostility with Christmas and the Easter. Until after the Second World War they did not live as the minority in a Christian society to grow grudge towards Christians and their festivities. There was not such a clash between them and Christians.
Very important point is that the Muslims they show in such occasions are actually “petro-Muslims” or more accurately “petrodollar-Muslims” created almost entirely after 1974 in the world. They have been created as escape goats as targets to divert the attention of the world towards creation of controlled chaos.
So it is not Muslims that run Hollywood. Hollywood boldly tries to humiliate the name of Jesus Christ. It is recently works to add an F-word between Jesus and Christ. Such attempts find their way in other outlets which are under control and full capitulation to Antichrist.
The same scenario repeats year after year near Christmas and the Easter. Some jokes about Jesus Christs and someone who becomes resurrected from the death.
This Easter 2018. I was in the kitchen preparing tea for some companions who were watching The Eastenders in the living room. I heard that one of the actors (Little Mo Morgan) shouting that Kat had died.
I immediately came back to room and told them, “It is fake. Later she comes back alive.” People became surprised asked me how did I know. I said that it was because it was near the Easter. Always someone fakes his death and will come back to life and all the community make fun of him and vilify him and the resurrected one is also an impostor.”
This year goes bolder than the previous years. When it became known that Kat was alive the reason causes all insults. Pieces of gospels are dotted among the dialogues such that when later people hear them somewhere else reminds them of Kat and Mo and other stupid acts out of these characters.
From a couple of weeks before The Easter we hear things about conning and fraud to fleece people and defraud them just for the sake of money.
It is clear that who wants to exonerate himself of crucifying Christ and projecting his own greed for the money by accusing Christ. Is not one of the attributes of Satan, the Antichrist, the accuser?
In the short clip I put here Kat Says (@Time 0:16), “I go to vic to break the good news —- that I am not dead” Emphasis and pause are by the actor.
EastEnders – A Huge Fight Breaks Out In The Vic (22nd March 2018 Episode 2)
This hostility I watch proves me something of great value.
In my previous notes, I commented on a set of episodes of the BBC “The Eastenders” concluding to Christmas 2015 and continuation of those episodes to the months after that.
Before moving further I need to discuss some introductory propositions.
First of all, people who play the roles in movies TV series shows etc. are just actors who have memorised pieces of speech assigned to them. Their words are written by a writer that most of the time is just a litterateur not a specialist. A movie doctor is not a doctor. A movie vicar is not a vicar. A movie Muslim says things that the screen writer tells him to say.
In mentioned episodes, they talk about mental bipolar “disease” and its cure by taking some pills. There is nothing in intention of the writer about helping mentally ill. He wants to cover the sublime message about the birth of Jesus Christ under a benevolent idea. Still, even this supposedly benevolent idea is from the point of view of the authority on mental illness. It is out of the scope of this article to enter detail of this statement. Just I tell you that it is against the idea of the majority of related professionals. For example British Society of Psychologists which incorporate fifty thousands of the professionals are not in favour of such things as pills. Therefore, the ideas that get injected into the minds of the average people are the ideas of the writer with no knowledge of mental illness and is expressed from the perspective of the most reactionary and paid-by-the-pharma specialists.
Second point is the Shabnam family and her self-claimed Islamic practice. She starts from a pre-marital sex with Kush, but she keeps her veil in front of her father and brother, in front of female friends, in front of mother of her husband and even her husband, while in Islam women are allowed to unveil at home and in front of women and certain other male intimates such as father and brother and obviously husband. In contrast pre-marital sex is not allowed.
Other thing is that Shabnam and her family show extreme outrage when they become informed of affairs of Kush with Stacy. In Islam it is said that Jealousy of wife towards affairs of her husband is the worst demeanour of a woman. While father of Shabnam admits everything, including pre-marital sex of her daughter, upon knowledge of the affairs without question and hesitation punches in the eye of his son in law as a symbol of his zeal.
Third point is using Shabnam to pass the message to Stacy telling her that she is in delusion and self-deceit because she (Stacy) wants psychologically encapsulate her guilt of cheating to her future husband and betraying her friend. Shabnam tells Stacy that Arthur is not son of God, that Arthur is just a bastard and a “sin” child, full stop. She is depressed and in delusion that she has given birth to the son of god. Her son would not be clean even after two thousand years; even if billions believe in contrary; the case is closed.
It remains to figure out why Shabnam, supposedly a Muslim should convey this message. I know a little to add. Idea of Muslims about Jesus Christ is almost equal to what they believe about their own prophet and according to many scholars even more. Mohammedans do not have the story of Joseph the Carpenter. But they believe Mary was virgin and conceived by God through intervention of Holy Spirit. If a Muslim doubt this he receives the same punishment that if he insult the prophet Mohamed.
Having said this, why a Muslim is bringing the sublime message to Stacy. The short answer is this. “OK, you want a fight about Jesus Christ then fight with the escape goats that we inject into your European Christian societies. Leave us safe in our Elisiums. We do not change our judgement we made on the birth of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago and nothing can clean him and his mother from the sin.”
People are Christians and generations after generations have had that belief deep inside their souls. They feel the insult. They have been gagged with the political correctness. Everything is allowed to be asserted in this society except their own values. Inside, they are on fire. When they feel it, then they look to see whose mouth is insulting them. Then they become hostile to one who is not actually believer to that idea, but is only a paid presenter.
Some might think that I was too cynical to interpret the innocent story about promotion of mental health awareness in this way. It is not true. I regret that I cannot expand all the details of this psychological satanic war right now. But I hope that I can. Satan does not understand Time. It is not a temporal being like humans. It continues its war even after 2000 years.
I would stop if I had not noticed further manipulations of public in another contest. In continuation of the story line we get to the story of Vincent Hubbard, his mother Claudette Hubbard and Patrick Trueman. Stacy gradually fades up from the scene, but because of her contribution she received a trophy – a TV award in the real world. The storyline gradually dissolve on the Vincent and his mother sometime before the Easter.
Ms Hubbard has killed her own husband and has buried him under the pavement of a street where they used to live at the time that Vincent was a child. She thencefore has accused Mr Phil Mitchel of that crime, filling the heart of her child with hatred towards Phil.
Gradually Vincent becomes doubtful to this narrative until he could elicit the truth from the mother and hears her confession. At night, he took the mother to the basement of his house where builders (during the day) were redeveloping the place. He tries to strangle her mother but a friend of Ms Hubbard, Patrick comes in the house and at the top of the cellar staircase asks Vincent to leave the mother alone. Mother walks up to the place that Patrick is standing. There Vincent tells Patrick why he was trying to kill his mother and what the crime of his mother was. Now Vincent became angry of his female friend and while they were arguing, Patrick pushes Ms Hubbard down the staircase.
Ms. Hubbard falls down dead on the floor. Two men become abet to each other crime. Patrick escapes from the arena. Vincent stays and buries the mother in a shallow grave under the yet unbuilt floor.
Next day Vincent decides to visit the basement again to figure out something else, but he notices that the builders has covered the entire floor with a layer of concrete. Upon inquiry from the builders he learns that the builders have not noticed anything. He becomes relieved a bit.
Days pass and focus of the story is on the two men discussing the situation, accusing each other, quarrelling about informing the police and if it has been a misfortunate accident or deliberate crime.
People are sure that Ms. Hubbard due to her original sin has been killed by her loved one or such and buried without doubt.
Suddenly with a surprise, Patrick believes that he has seen his dead friend, Claudette Hubbard, somewhere in Albert Square, from the land of the Dead from the underworld back to this world of the mortals.
He could not believe what he has seen. He closes his eyes, he covers his face with his hands. He turns his face to see if she is there, but she cannot be seen again. She disappears. Patrick sees her another time in another corner and as if a spectre, she flows out of his sight again.
Patrick meets Vincent, tells him that he believes that he has seen Vincent’s mother. Vincent tries to convince him that he is sure that builders have covered Claudette with a layer of concrete and it is impossible to return from the death and from the grave to this world. But Patrick is absolutely sure that he has not been drunk or under influence and certainly has seen Ms Hubbard twice.
At this point Vincent looks convinced and says, “Ah, as if she has been resurrected back to life.” This is just the Easter day episode and gives its message clearly enough. Ms. Hubbard suffered for her crime by falling from the steps and buried in a shallow grave but did not receive any serious fatal blow and saved herself and came back to her habitual living place after few days. This is nothing unusual that people considered dead come back to life. There is nothing sacred in it. This is the message of The EastEnders just on the eve of Easter day.
In the discussion on my previous post I made a comment on possibility of a pregnancy of a human woman without having a husband; a case that might happen similar to what historically has been said about Jesus Christ.
I clear my position that I do not have doubt about what the gospels have described about the birth of Jesus: that he is son of god and the fact that Mary conceived by intervention of Holy Spirit. What I say, is to refute what atheists know as impossibility of such a pregnancy.
See, if you look around yourself all the women give birth to only one child when pregnant. This is the most probable. Each woman releases one egg in each (lunar) period . When this egg becomes paired with a sperm, it shields itself from penetration of other sperms.
With all these machineries in place some eggs allow a second sperm and monozygotic or identical twins become created. Sometimes women release two eggs and pregnancy creates two children of the non-identical or dizygotic type. This is more frequent than the other one, around 1 to 2 percent of all the child births. Monozygotic amounts to just a fraction of this fraction.
God forbids a lot of anomalies can happen in this process such as conjoined twins. Babies with two heads etc. as we continue the probability decreases.
We have seen twins of two fathers conceived in time intervals within a day, one from an African father with dark skin one with a non-African father with lighter skin. The probability of such incident is absolutely miniscule.
I saw an orange almost as big as a melon and inside it there was an orange surrounding another full orange and that one surrounded another full orange. The fourth inner layer was almost as little as a glass marble but still an edible orange.
Then we have triplets with a chance of 1 in 4400 birth and then quadruplets and quintuplets still with slimmer chances and technology assisted conception has succeeded even to give birth to eight children in an octuplet .
In the same way scientists have calculated a spontaneous conception accident with a probability of less than one over 150,000,000 (one hundred fifty millions) of the fertile human females. (Probability does not mean that it happens; means that it is just probable.)
Many of such births have been left without attention and assumed as natural due to the environment and time of pregnancy.
There were similar stories before the time of Jesus Christ among different nations; for example, story of Diana among Romans who became conceived, when she was naked, by a shower of gold.
The next dispute recently has been created to alter the miraculous life of Jesus Christ, turning him into an ordinary man, is the arguments about his race.
All of us, we humans are from the same race; that is, human race; what about Jesus Christ? Was he from kryptonite? Definitely not. He came with the flesh of human and was suffered and tolerated pain to salvage man.
Now there are hidden agendas that tell people that he was not blond hair and fair skin as depicted in the pictures that Europeans have or imagine about him. They say he was dark skin and Middle Eastern or Semite and so on. They put finger on the recent studies of DNA and ethnology and electronic microscopes and such things.
As much I excavate (or better term scavenge) these studies I get nearer to the root of those who have these strings in their hands: Antichrist and people similar to those who crucified Jesus Christ.
We have two answers for such allegations. First for believers: God created Christ the same way who created Adam. God was not short of DNA and Jesus Christ remains in the picture of Adam in any way that humans can imagine Him.
Even, it is not sure, as I heard from the vicar of my local church, that Mary was actual cousin of Elizabeth. At that time like modern days in many places including Middle East, very intimate friends and neighbours used to call each other aunt, uncle and cousins; especially when children were very young, and that would remain in the minds of those children.
Second, for those who are non-believer to religious stories: The places which were described as the birth place and growth of Christ were center of commerce and war between many nations, full of soldiers, tradesmen and mercers and sailors, and slaves from India, Central Asia, Africa and Europe up to Norse people. It was the time and place of wars, lootings, arsons and rape. Romans had recruits, slaves and administrators and soldiers from Germans, Cartages, Niobean, Gauls, Armenians and Bulgars and others. If one believes that a human has been the father of Christ, then any human from this population could be His father.
This blog defines itself as “On definition of Morality.” I hope to be able to add some words to this description. To get this capacity I have to follow and sample many parts of what the modern society offers as morality. These samples appear in modern media in writing, and in performing art. As they say, I like to discover the structure based on these samples: the structure behind these efforts. I am curious to analyse if these structures are aimed to change to better for humanity or to worse.
I keep the right for me to edit to improve the semantic and grammar of the article but the idea remains as before.
The sample I discuss here attracted me much for the reason that later I am going to write. It is from the “The EastEnders” soap opera produced by BBC and this part belongs to December 2015.
Stacey (well conveniently) becomes pregnant out of a one night stand with Kush.
Complication is that that Stacey is in relation and deep love and living under the same roof with Martin on one hand and Kush is married or near to marriage with deep love relation with Shabnam. As I remember the latter is also pregnant from the said Kush.
Stacey and Martin are somehow Christians and Kush, Shabnam are supposedly Muslims.
There are as always hiding and concealment of truth and dishonesty between all participants and reveal of secrets by accidental hearing and revelations.
Leaving them for now, months were passed until it became near the Christmas. People are deciding on arranging a nativity performance with participation of all the children of Walford to be presented at the community centre.
However mother of Linda the pub owner’s wife has better ideas. According to her, Nativity is old fashioned and boring and it is better to arrange a musical show instead in the local Queen Vic. pub.
There are couple of opinions voiced against her idea insisting of a Nativity. The loudest voice belongs to Dot Cotton, an old church going lady who also has many verses of bible in memory and can recite them on the correct occasion.
To settle the situation, people in the pub are asked to vote (assuming the decision being made in a pub is not being considered as a decision “under the influence”). Ms. Dot Cotton wins the poll and everybody agrees to help to have a decent Nativity show, performed by children. Linda’s mom who accepts the result with grace agrees to become volunteer to be the director for the audition, coaching and performance of the children.
Modern version of Madonna and Child
As time passes, Stacy and her secret of the love triangle between her and Martin and Kush, and her relation with Elizabeth (oops sorry, I moved fast forward, I mean the pregnant Shabnam) becomes the focus of the BBC popular soap opera just before the Christmas .
Meanwhile the mental health of Stacey who has a background of bipolar “disease” and does not take her pills regularly becomes more deteriorate. In one scene when she is asked who is the father of the expected baby she answers that it is the God. She says, “The God is the Father of the child” and camera dissolves on the face of Kush who looks regretful and sorry, knowing the child is actually his. She continues to attract the attention of her community and also fans of the soap opera to her long and supposedly mentally ill speeches and quarrels.
Where do you expect Stacy delivers her child. Your guess is right.
All the people including Stacy and Martin go to Nativity play performed by the children.
In the middle of the show Stacy goes into the labour pain. This is important: They move Stacy to the stage of the nativity where the decorations have been arranged like a stable. Stacy delivers, gives birth to her child and everybody leaves the stage. Those who remain are standing on the auditorium watching the stage where Stacy is resting on the arms of Joseph the carpenter (sorry, I mean Martin) while she has her head leaned on his shoulder and both looking down to the new born boy in her arms.
Well “they” gave the message clear enough. The Child (with the capital C) is a bastard, the result of a sinful disloyalty of one night stand and the deceived, but kind, Martin without knowing the truth is there, looking to marry Stacy and is over the moon for having his son earlier than he expects.
But they do not stop. They do not stop until that everybody even with lowest attention and “intelligence” swaps the “truth” of the show deep inside his mind, his conscious and subconscious with what he already might have got from the Story of Jesus Christ. How?
Stacy returns with the new born and his soul mate Martin to their home. But her bipolar madness flares and she relapses. She starts to believe that her child has enemies. She is inflicted with postnatal depression. Nurses, doctors, neighbours, Martin all believe that she needs to be cured.
She becomes confused and believes that his brother (/sister) is Satan and chases them to kill her son. Her brother cannot convince her that he is harmless.
Her sanity becomes more deteriorated with the passing of the days. She does not allow anybody to touch her son whom she is named Arthur. Nobody can convince her that the Son is not in danger. In the whirlwind of the drama Stacy takes Arthur to the roof at the top of the Queen Vic Pub. Thunder is roaring and lighting is bolting. Rain is whipping and gale is shaking them.
She has climbed aloft to be closer to God to offer Arthur and to pray that Arthur remains clean of the sin that she has committed. She says and cross her heart that Arthur is the son of god and he is clean.
Doctors and mental health agents come and promise her that if she complies with treatment then she and her son will remain clean.
If you are too dumb to swallow the reality then Shabnam comes to help you to face it. She comes to help poor Stacy. She tells Stacy that she has been informed of the affairs of her husband with Stacy. She adds that Stacy should know that as she feels guilty of disloyalty to her husband – Martin – and deceiving and lying and cheating to her best friend, that is, to Shabnam, as the result of these deep guilt, Stacy denies the reality and has become delusional believing that her new born is a sacred entity and the son of god.
The story plot and its message is clear: Only a lunatic who succumbs to her impulsive desire calls the child conceived so, son of the god. People should learn that the real truth behind the nativity is this.
However, there is a puzzle, behind the scene that only an inquisitive mind can understand: What is the role of Shabnam in helping to deliver the child and delivering the message of producers of this sequence of the soap opera just before the Christmas.
In next article I try to crack that. This story continues until denial of the Easter and repeats in other forms in the following years.