What Could Dark Matter Be? 2

26th April 2018 ( The date is included because this time will be forgotten if not noted down).

Decided to put on the radio on awaking this morning 26th April 2018 and a program on Radio 4 was already underway about nuclear physics and as usual Radio 4 communicates in a clear educated manner but this topic proved to be a bit of a stretch for the minds of the interviewer but this is the nature of the subject which presents a constant challenge for researchers.

I was reminded of the time back in 1965 having moved to a new family home laying in bed reflecting on the similarities of mechanics of the solar system and that of the atomic world and picturing what may be the same dynamics in action.

The only other cause to have had reference to the atomic world was when Brian Whitgeranhi would emerge out onto the pavement at Lancaster Gate after attending the regular meetings for professors and enthusiastically shared some newly learned information with me while on door duty between December 1979 to June 1980. This time it was about Up Quarks and Down Quarks.

Of course the realisation followed, over time, that scientists are only discovering what already exits in the created world and that there are many things that we take for granted which are not fully understood. However mankind was created to be a co creator and as such have created many amazing things of benefit as well, unfortunately, detrimental to society.

Just yesterday an insight came to mind which mirrors the idea of sitting on the Right hand of God and of course this idea conjures up the idea of something that is not a reality, that of being physically up in the clouds with a bearded man. However there is a certain truth in which it encapsulates.

So what possibly was the prime purpose for the creation of the material world which is believed to have been kick started by The Big Bang, as it is described. It had been said that the planets did not exist before the big bang but that afterwards there was the clumping of protons.

From Radio 4, In Our Time – The Proton:

[Quote] Protons came soon after the Big Bang, about a second or so. Protons were the first of the now existing particles, if you like, that emerged out of the Big Bang, and they are, to the best of our experiments stable and so protons have been around ever since then. An individual proton doesn’t spontaneously decay and convert to something else.

So the protons which were created within a second of the Big Bang, they are all around and gravitationally attract one another until there are huge clumps of protons which we call stars, like the Sun. Our Sun is an example of a star which is made up of predominantly protons and electrons….. [unquote].

God of the Bible says that I am that I am and always existed. We learn from the True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus of the fact that there is a pool of male/ female soulmate spirits, which pre exist, waiting to be incarnated on Earth where they will develop their individuality and character, independently of each other and who later pass on to live for ever in the eternal spirit world. As such while on Earth it should be natural to have this relationship in the spirit and man in fact should be able to act as an interface between the physical world and the spiritual world. This must have been how Jesus came to know the deeper truths of Gods will.

This is a description of explanation which came about due to the thought which came to mind yesterday that God had a desire to create company for himself, on a spiritual level, but that the love which would be shared had to be mutual out of free will, and not out of compulsion. Therefore the creation of the physical world plays its part as a system for replication by providing the conditions to play host for the incarnation of pre existing spirits who are then able to develop their character, form and spiritual development according to God’s will and then go on to reside forever in the higher realms of the spirit world. So perhaps Sitting at the right of God has some truth as a concept but most peoples concept would be the unlikelihood of physical man being up there somewhere in the sky alongside a white bearded man. Jesus has said that he has never seen God but can feel His presence.
What we have in reality, is a system of replication, to serve spiritual level, and which the physical world also has and created, to enable the physical medium for this process to take place.

It seems that there is a parallel process taking place where the advancement of science is growing evermore while at the same time there is a declining movement away from Christian belief. There is dilemma here because on one hand the old incorrect beliefs need to fade away to make room for those which are correct, as explained in the writings, but also the fact that people are failing to be attracted and educated in Christian values, be it old or new, as per the writings, means that Society seems to be degenerating on one level where people with power and wealth are preying on every one else, and also where crime becomes a normal way of life except for those who naturally lean towards goodness.

It is quite interesting that Stephen Hawkin who was struck down with motor neuron disease at a relatively young age was able to continue in his profession as a theoretical physicist and be much admired for his accomplishments. However he was an atheist and there was a TV program with himself with him and Richard Dawking, an evolutionary scientist, who is what may be described as a militant atheist. So there they were together and I had anticipated some really strong anti religious sentiment out of Richard Dawking but instead it was from Steven Hawking’s own mouth and Richard responded by saying ”You said that, not me”. .

There are physical laws taking place in the world of the small which are so inextricable in their process to be able to fully understand. So the purpose of life on Earth is to enable full spiritual development so that the heart of mankind can be like the heart of God substantially so that this would enable a natural process of give and take to occur. We still think of this as being separate and for our own benefit only but it seems reasonable to believe that companionship was the original motive for Creation.

Because humans are spirit who have a body, then it should be natural to be able to have a reciprocal relationship of give and take (this Language has only just begun to be used today -UC Give And Take terminology).


While travelling home by bus I watched a little UK Column live on YouTube then switched to to the True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus Volume 2 and was particularly looking for some explanation about symbolism in the Bible but instead came across the testimony of the first Human ancestors whom we know as Adam and Eve but they are in fact named Aman and Amon. Their testimony is in keeping with certain elements mentioned this morning and although I had yet to complete what was written this morning, it had been on my mind to tell a cut down version of an experience which I had in Mountjoy Road in Huddersfield in 1978 and it so happens that in the testimony Aman states that they were created beings which also supports what is written elsewhere which goes against accepted thought.
So this is what was read on the bus this evening;


It is on page 101 in Volume 2 of the pdf on my phone. Titled Aman the first parent. It is followed by Amon, mother of all human creation,

Also Aman makes a correction

followed by John. Here he affirms that Aman and Amon,the first parents actually communicated through Mr. Padgett.


From Luke :    https://new-birth.net/padgetts-messages/true-gospel-revealed-anew-by-jesus-volume-1/luke-discourses-on-the-devolution-and-evolution-of-man-vol-1-pg250/

Quite honestly it is safe to any of the messages which originate directly from the original four volumes of the True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus. This site has been used now simply because of the links to the readings above. However when it comes to the contemporary readings, they are definitely not accurate and contradict what James Padgett had received in places.
Padgett was especially chosen for his qualities and it has taken 2000 years although a first attempt was made with Emanuel Swedenborg back in the 18th century. His own limitations are also covered in the messages received by James Padgett but it has been explained that Swedenborg’s experiences of visiting the Spirit realms are true.

In Our Time. Radio 4



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