Perpetual War on Syria Continued by Israel

This morning 17th April there had been reports of an overnight attack on Syria but adding that the US said that it wasn’t them, so then it was suspected to be Israel. All MSM news is is focused on other news items since the US France and UK attack in the early hours of Saturday just hours befor the OPCW’s arrival into the country and RT are still on Saturday’s raid and the consequential backlash of anti war protests in all countries involved.

What this action reveals is a policy of perpetual attack upon Syria and this time there was no need for a false flag pretext to woo the population into the notion that it is justified. Therefore this means that Israel can commit any action without repercussions, an uncontrolled aggressor without constraint.

A particular feature of an attitude or philosophy that Israel has expressed has also been mirrored in the US,French and US stance which to anybody else’s judgement is the mark of the bully.

In the report pertaining to Israel there is a statement, a comment that caught my eye was the following:
[Quote]Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Syria’s retaliation “unacceptable”, stating that “if anyone attempts to harm us, we will harm them back”.[quote]

A similar attitude was made from US, France and UK which stated words to the effect that if Syria retaliates it would be an act of war.

Article 51 of the UN charter recognizes the right to self-defence by any state if it comes under attack.

The idea of decisions based on morality is laughable.

Another strategy to ensure perpetual war on Syria is that Donald Trump has asked Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to replace American troops, thus perpetuating war unseen to the western public. Arab troops instead of their pet terrorists including ISIS, there is proof about this from the horses mouth.

Below is a report from the Middle East Monitor

Israel warplanes launch overnight attack on Syria

One Reply to “Perpetual War on Syria Continued by Israel”

  1. It is interesting how far the international laws are respected thanks to historical experiences world witnessed in twentieth century.
    Syria, specially after death of Hafiz Assad was one of the most peaceful countries in the world. Its government had not any agenda any intervention any rhetoric against any country or any other ideology.
    Ideological intervention of its country was in minimum (I believe less than what can be seen in Britain).
    How sad it is that US/Israel and their allies could not bear the happy life of people in that country.

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