Events of Three Years Ago are Still Influencing Present Political Decisions

It is my opinion that we are observing the unfolding of an agenda that began with the false flag attack on 911. This then gave the permissions for the assault to begin in the Middle East against Afghanistan and Iraq. Then coming up towards the scheduled pull out of these two countries we observed the transition to colour revolutions in the same style as explained in this article regarding the Ukraine. The great stumbling block to a clear run here is Syria which of course has the support of Russia. They have proved to be a hard nut to crack. I believe that the conflict with ISIS will be the vehicle to finally attempt to finish off Syria. Of course the parallel encroachment towards Russia in the same style that they observed happening in the middle East are bound to make them nervous. It would therefore be fair to say that the Russian pre-preemptive move to reclaim the Crimea was one of strategic importance to them.
I had pointed out some years ago that Russia had been steadily building it’s conventional forces (as is China), primarily for defense purposes and I felt that this was a move away from nuclear knowing that if there was a nuclear exchange there would be no winners only tragic survivors. It does seem odd that we have been steadily depleting our own armed forces while at the same time playing second fiddle to America. This has been a consistent policy in both the New Labour administration and the present one.
The EU has to be very cautious about being led by its nose into a war with Russia and if it does break out then it would be reasonable to expect every country to be a recipient of retaliation. It would likely be in their own back yard.
I had always been instinctively anti Communist and it was only in 1986 that I learned that my maternal ancestors in Lithuania had to go to the woods to burn their identity papers and had later to stay ahead of the Russian advance during the second world war. Now my instinct is different an never in a million years did I ever expect it to be so.
America had the firepower to bomb Iraq into the stone age with no concern about the tragic loss of life as well as historical heritage. There were no real plans for the aftermath and it remains a total mess still. We can take a lesson from this attitude and expect no qualms about it happening in our own back yard.
Ukrainians seek shelter in Russia from recruiters in Kiev

3 Replies to “Events of Three Years Ago are Still Influencing Present Political Decisions”

  1. Sometimes, I get to the belief that usage of a nuke device, by US is very near. US has the precedence of using the nuclear weapons. All the historical facts show, in certainty, that Japan was preparing for full capitulation before dropping of atomic bombs on its two civilian cities. Also all the scientists developing the weapon were horrified of any usage of that device on populations.

    US leaders wanted to show it as a deterrent for any perceived future adventurism of US establishment on the idea that to take the world as a hostage.

    Trump administration wants to revive the idea.

    1. It has been suspected by Japanese of the period as well as others who have suggested that America avoided conventional bombing on those two cities because they wanted to know the true devastation capacity of their nuclear device. Therefore the main reason for using the bomb was experimental. In recent years the Neocons have the belief that they could survive a nuclear war but are now thinking in terms of building nuclear bombs with lower yeald believing that they could be used tactically against overwhelming conventional forces. They have overlooked the possibility that once a nuke has been used no matter what the size there is always the opportunity to go bigger in retaliation.

  2. Yes, this is also true that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were used to observe their real results on real populated cities. Specifically, Nagasaki was selected as the city were built over and around the many hills and military experts liked to evaluate how far those kind of terrains can reduce the effect of the weapon.

    Not much earlier the fire bombing of Tokyo, by some estimates, had killed 130,000 Japanese. and had wiped out all the vital war industries around the city.

    The interesting issue is that US might decide upon its frustration due to its dire financial/economical condition, to cover those conditions from its own nation, put the world in a done deal situation.

    For example, Iraq used extensively banned chemical biological weapons until it could change the result of its war with Iranians from losing situation to a winning or at least a tie. Saddam concluded the war with inhuman weapons (well, very inhumane weapons-all wars are inhumane). US/European companies helped him to manufacture those chemicals. Almost nobody protested- a done deal: Saddam won, and Iran lost.

    US is in a permanent, unjustifiable war with all other nations. From small island less than a square mile in China sea to the land lock Kazakhstan with millions of square miles vastness, US has some agenda while at the same time open pool sewerages in Los Angeles are not rare sights anymore.

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