Trying to Trip up Trump

It is so amazing how an impending threat of nuclear war has been fingered at Donald Trump when the strategy of creeping ever closer to Russia’s border was carried out by Bush and Obama policies.

For many many years Russia has been concentrating on building up its conventional capability for it most likely realises that Nuclear war would be out of the question regarding the devastating after effects on the planet as learned from the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster of 1986 in the Ukraine.

Of course Russia keeps its nuclear arsenal ready as a retaliatory measure if needed just as the US, UK, France and other countries are doing.

It is very easy to understand that US and EU adventurism to foment wars in the Middle East as well as encroaching upon Russia’s borders could be the driving force for Kim Jong Un to develop a nuclear weapon as a deterrent but his boastful and gung-ho attitude puts everybody else on edge.

When Donald Trump responded by saying that he had a bigger button and that it works it came across as merely schoolboy bravado and in a way it was slightly humorous but of course we know that if push came to shove the United States could wipe North Korea off the map with ease, and probably South Korea in the process.

It is quite disingenuous for Europeans to complain about the perceived threat of Nuclear war on their doorstep when they have been party to setting up conditions in the first place by moving closer to the Russian border despite agreements not to and Obama was especially active in rushing through the installment of missiles during the the so called lame duck period of transition over to Donald Trump. I had even written a warning that Europe needs to be careful about what it is allowing, a long time before this because it was plain to see by any clear thinking person, and also mentioned that any nuclear confrontation would be on their doorstep rather than America’s.

They are either plain stupid or they are clever in that they are spinning this for two purposes. One would be to smear Trump and blame any outbreak of conflict on him and the secondly to create justification for the EU to have its own autonomous military structure, perhaps even changing the rules and allowing Germany to become once more heavily militarised as part of that structure. They could claim that this is necessary because of being independent from America’s influence but the reality is that there is a shadow influence which permeate all.

It was the Newsweek article which prompted this comment and the RT article was found afterwards.


Congress needs an enemy, so Russia is painted as hobgoblin – former Reagan administration official

NATO’s Eastward Expansion: Did the West Break Its Promise to Moscow?

2 Replies to “Trying to Trip up Trump”

  1. Many of us believed Trump will be a reformer that can change many things in current situation of the world towards a more pacifist US. Regretfully, by all his promises, he actually has meant more aggression, which now is combined with a bigotry orders of magnitude greater than his predecessors.

    1. Yes I agree with your comment that it was hoped that Trump would be different to other Presidents regarding war and be more of a reformer but I looked on with dismay when Jim Mattis was chosen to be Defense Minister as he would have hands on experience in carrying out the orders from previous Presidents as a General. This then appears to be business as usual but it appears that Trump plans to take a hands off approach regarding the military and to leave decision making to them.

      The question then is what is the main approach of the military which has seen first hand the consequences of war first hand at the beck and call of their previous Commander in Chiefs whom we know have had Globalist ambitions? It seems that Jim Mattis has respect from those who have worked directly under him and perhaps part of that respect is that he would not put his men needlessly in harms way. It is different to have to obey the command of the wishes of an adventurist President to that of Military Commanders whom I always prefer to look upon as moral men. However it seems that Mattis has a World view, in some areas, which are questionable similar to previous administrations, so we will just have to wait and see, something which has been said about Trump himself.

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