Exposing the real fountainhead of Fake News

With such emphasis from the MSM on Sunday morning of highlighting so called Fake News and emphasising that it is from the alternative media of the ‘Truthers’, as they like to be known, then I cast my mind back to the time when David Cameron was actively pushing for the speedy enrolment of Turkey into the EU when British Diplomats had already expressed that Turkey was not ready or suitable to join, followed by Cameron’s denial.

FAKE NEWS CAMERON PUSHING TURKEY TO JOIN EU: David Cameron suggests defence minister is lying over Turkey joining EU (Sun 22 May 2016 12.53 BST)

Here we have David Cameron suggesting that lies about Turkey Joining the EU but he himself was responsible for trying to fast track Turkey when Diplomats expressed there was no hope of them joining at the present time.

David Cameron wants TURKEY IN the EU ( In his own Words)

It is the awareness of David Cameron’s influence that inspired this search in the wake of MSM proclaiming that it is Social Media and Alternative media promoting ”Fake News”.

David Cameron EU Question Time: PM attacks ‘untrue’ Leave claims (19 June 2016)

Here is another example on BBC News: Here is another piece of deception because it was well known that David Cameron had signed Britain into a 50 year military pact with France just months after taking office as part of the Coalition Government in 2010 with the signing of the British Franco Council in which we would be locked in to the EU Military. Not only that, but while the obfuscation of the reality was being maintained, EU command centres were created and ready to be commissioned in the UK.
Britain was never going to ”block it” because it was already part of it. On this matter we have seen the constant reduction of our military forces from Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and now David Cameron, through the Coalition, which was brokered by Peter Mandelson. So we can see an obvious continuity of policy and of course the Lib Dems are pro EU at all costs.

Reality Check: Will the UK end up joining an EU army? (25 May 2016)

In the present climate, who in their right mind would trust the EU to watch Britain’s back during a military conflict, especially that even despite Britain’s contribution to EU GPS system, Galileo, both monetarily and intellectually we have been threatened with being locked out. I believe that this is something that Blair, Brown and Cameron would privately approve of given the break up of Nimrod, Navy support vessels and the destruction of the traditional Naval Base in Plymouth.
If the cost of Galileo is divided equally between the 18 members of the EU then each would contribute 3.57% yet Britain has been contributing 12%. As usual Britain continues to punch above it’s weight I almost all areas.

Space, the new Brexit frontier: EU is threatening to kick Britain out of their multi-billion pound Galileo satellite project

Only the UK Column presents the true facts on EU military union:

EU Military Unification

Finally, today’s broadcast of the UK Column News Monday 30th July 2018

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