Coping in an Ashkenazi World Part 1

Coping in an Ashkenazi World (June 1st 2018)

How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered The West

Originally the title of this piece was going to be called Living in an Ashkenazi World but a better reality is one of coping for most people rather than living because the odds are constantly being stacked against them, and as will be indicated, at many levels in society and World politics.

The defining moment of realisation that we are living in an Askenazi World was on the 70th Anniversary of the expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland and the emotive gesture of US President Trump of moving the United States Embassy to Jerusalem on the very same day signified by a ceremony to mark the fact.

So the said defining moment was how the Israeli Defence Force responded to Palestinian protests at zone of restriction, called so because there cannot be a border within Palestinian territory itself. The shooting of women and children at long range by snipers is an act that would not in any way be carried out by those who profess to be adherents to Gods laws given in the Old Testament to Moses and it seems that these laws are followed by those of the Christian faith. And even beyond this is the normal desire to do no harm to others as a matter of decent conduct and conscience.

What we witnessed is the character trait of barbarism which seems to be the mark of the Ashkenazi.

It is said that during the 11th Century there was only 3% of Ashkenazi Jews amongst all of the Jews in Europe but that this grew to around 75% by the 18th century. By 1931 Askenasi Jews made up 92% World wide.

This is an explosive growth and the question must be asked why there was not a proportional rate of growth from all other types of Jew since the 11th Century which would have maintained a similar ratio. Also it has been said that the percentage of Jews living in Palestine before partition was also 3% but now of course Israel runs a policy of limitless IVF treatment for its citizens, hence the desire for expansion into other areas, as a forward planning ambition. Included with this is the power of the ”Jews” in America and this power was recognised by the first Chancellor of Germany and one of the founding fathers of the EU, Konrad Adenauer. The World must take notice of how the Palestinians have been treated in their own land and take it as a warning for their own and their children’s sake
It is very likely that this is the prime motivation for the advancement of the New World Order and the various agendas to reduce populations either through wars or health destroying activities which have been thoroughly covered by others.

Could it also be that the Jews murdered by the Nazi’s were genuine Jews and that the ones which were exchanged for money were of the Ashkenazi lineage. If so then this would be an explanation to the most perplexing question that I have had because it did not make sense that the Wall street Banking fraternity would finance the destruction of their own kind. However this is a subject open for discussion as nothing makes logical sense.

Now since the fall of Communism we have seen a continuation of military power to subjugate Nations by the US and their so called quest for ”democracy” and it now makes sense why it appears that the baton or the boot has been transferred to America with the cooperation of the EU and UK. Putin has reformed Russia to participate in the World economic community but has a plan to do so without the usual institutions like the IMF and such like so has made himself an enemy of the so called Globalists. The Communist Party in Russia has been reduced to a small minority of no significance.
This lady is on the ball with the following presentation:
The Rothchild’s Creation: Ashkenazi Jews
The Rothchild’s Creation: Ashkenazi Jews

( The following video is one found today and presents a definitive representation of the subject according to previous research. It covers many of the bases regarding relevant facts. In fact this subject matter, although mainly political was going to be put in the Rhetoric Blog because facts and ideas had to be checked but this video comes across as pretty confident and presents information that would have to have been sorted and presented a headache resulting in procrastination on my part. Also it represents the true religious aspect as well as the fraud but in this case the focus is on the political misdeeds.)
Jews or Khazars Exposing the Serpent’s Seed:
Jews or Khazars? Exposing the Serpent’s Seed!

(This pdf was actually the first piece of information that I came across and which contains historical attitudes of the Khazars/Ashkenaziism mental attitude and practices from the 18th century onwards which are recognisable in today’s political arena and was a clincher for proceeding with this content )
The Secret World Govenment

Also of historical interest especially related to present trends also:

The House of Rothschild

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