The Efficacy of the OPCW Needs To Be investigated as cause for Russian Veto of UN Resolutions to Check Gas Attacks In Syria

Yesterday, one thing that I had forgotten to mention in my last post is that the OPCW need to be looked at more closely for its credibility. This morning It had been mentioned that Russia has vetoed UN call for inspections six times but on doing a search the links to news feeds on this point dominate and have seen reports of up to 11 Vetoes.

So, the thought this morning was that perhaps by mentioning the feeling that the OPCW needs to be looked at more thoroughly was the hope that this could be done by people in a position more qualified to do so.

The strong narrative pertaining to the number of times that Russia has vetoed inspections naturally leads one to believe that Assad is guilty and that the Russians are just simply exercising a blatant cover up.

Considering the feeling that the the efficacy of the OPCW itself needs to be investigated then naturally this lends to the idea that perhaps this is the main reason for the constant Russian vetoes because once the OPCW’s ”verdict” is given then it gives permission for an all out assault on Syria with the objective to remove Assad which was what this war was all about from the beginning in 2011 and pre planned, it is said in 2010.

So looking at current events in Salisbury of which the accusation tilted towards Russia without proof, and the Russians level headed response which borders on the reasonable according to once normal international norms of law, then this lends weight towards seeking for the reason for the constant Russian Vetoes at the UN.

So this item from a year ago surfaced like a shining diamond in a sea of darkness and is self explanatory:  


Today’s edition of the UK Column, 20th April 2018, has been added to this article a clear 7 days after questioning the veracity of the OPCW. The video speaks for itself.

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