Author: Robert Hole

Dredging Up The Memory of Karl Marx

The problem is that the present generation have not experienced the realities of the practice of Communism first hand and may hold a romantic notion from the influence of old Communists who claim that Soviet Communism wasn’t true Communism. In fact in Russia today the Communist Party attracted only 11.77% of the vote in the 2018 presidential election.

There is however a situation which has seemingly come about as a result of the fall of Soviet Communism and that is that present day Capitalism has become one of total greed which to the observer may reinforce the the validity of Marx’s writings but in reality both sides reflect human failings and the Nomenclature were nothing more than the Capitalist boss, in attitude towards its people,as projected in the writings of the ideology, but which now seems to have become a reality in the western world and is especially evident in the UK.

It is as if the boot is now on the other foot, as it were, where it is now the once ”Free World” that is fomenting foreign wars through proxies and destroying God centred Nations, like Syria in particular which is secular but upholds the centuries old tradition of encouraging freedom of worship equally for all faiths. The West is seeking to destroy this and supplant sectarianism which it openly supports through funding.

Russia used to have food shortages and long queues which people joined ‘just in case’ there might be something worth having. Now we have our own food shortages for the working poor who’s stagnated wages cannot cover the ever rising cost of housing due to it being an investment vehicle, and also ever rising utility bills but which the inflation rate always seems to maintain an overall figure of around 2%.

Tony Blair and New Labour were advocates of Communitarianism, otherwise known as the Third Way, as was David Cameron and the Coalition Government of 2010 with the promotion of Big Society. The most noticeable feature of the pushing of Big Society was that perfectly functional charities proven to be beneficial to society were having their funding either cut or removed altogether with the result that they would have to close. The idea was that people would volunteer to keep similar organisations running, but I thought that this was a bit rich since people were struggling to maintain their own living standards and keep their heads above water. Also funding to local Councils has been systematically cut over time to such an extent that economies have had to be made by closing public conveniences, buildings which already existed, but they require people to be paid to maintain them. Before Cameron won the election in 2010 I remember him claiming on radio that the rich bosses maintained a wage difference of 400 to 1 over the workers but as soon as he became Prime Minister this figure ended up being reworked to something less dramatic.

So what we are basically seeing is the removal of all of the benefits to society that were fought for by our conscientious forebears who saw the need as a result of poverty during the Victorian period when Britain was at its most prosperous and powerful. We are seeing again where the individual and their plight counts for nothing as witnessed by the number of homeless rough sleepers and the withdrawal of Benefit support to the chronically ill who have been deemed fit for work by a privatised company.

Communitarianism & Its Plan for Society

The Disparaging of the Visionary Insight of Enoch Powell

The Disparaging of Enoch Powell’s Visionary Insight.

There has recently been made much of the “Rivers of Blood ”speech given by Enoch Powell in 1968, and the BBC featured a TV program showing the present generation of descendants viewing the very short portion of film that exists which also serves to project Enoch Powell in a very bad light if not interpreted correctly.  Perhaps the timing of this particular program was intended to someway bounce off and add to the disarray of the Windrush fiasco for political reasons but there is no doubt that the trust of the original influx from the Caribbean has been shamefully betrayed .

Much play was made of the shocked reaction shown by the viewers which was repeated many times throughout the program but there was nothing about the man himself at all, although I was expecting to at least be shown some insights.

People are also confused about Enoch Powell’s reputation because it is also known that he actively helped migrants to arrive from the Caribbean which seems to contradict the racist label that has been attached him.

The famous words attributed to Enoch Powell are actually those expressed by one of his constituents which were repeated in order to act as a foil to the theme of the main body of his speech.

There seems to be a sense of the prophetic visionary about him and in his speech he expresses a moral obligation to address impending problems and not to shy away from exposing them for fear of becoming unpopular or ridiculed.

Back in the 60’s and 70’s we had no concept of the situation that we now find ourselves in from the constant wars in the Middle East, except that we had to deal with the realities of the Cold War and that of the proxy wars taking place throughout Africa and South America, sponsored by the old Soviet Union.

In the speech there is mention of repatriating people to their country of origin and of even migrants requesting themselves to be helped to return to their homeland, but at this present time there are no homes to return to because whole countries have been decimated by the “7 Countries in 7 years” agenda of the US shadow government. It’s as if this minor detail has now been dealt with by complete ruination ensuring that refugees remain so.

Also the demise of the Soviet Union and the integration of East European countries back into the “Western” fold has facilitated the route into once homogeneous Nation States protected by borders.

Now reflecting on the words of Enoch Powell’s constituent who back in 1968 expressed: “If I had the money to go, I wouldn’t stay in this country”, he will now find that there is nowhere to go that would satisfy this particular desire.

When New Labour was in office under Tony Blair and immigration numbers reached 350,000 per year, the MSM made great play of immigration from Poland, seemingly with the intent of channeling peoples concerns towards them only. Polish people were like a breath of fresh air in their outlook and abilities and there are many instances of personal experience with them to validate this sentiment. However this finger pointing was quite curious to me because the Polish were only one small segment of the A8 group of European immigration into the UK and there were many times more from India and Pakistan but for some unknown reason it was never ever mentioned that the bulk of emigration was from African countries who’s aggregate number exceeded that of the A8, Indian and Pakistan combined. This was never ever mentioned even though these figures were available from National Statistics.

So it seems that there was an agenda being covered up although Tony Blair had been awarded the Kallergi award from the EU for promoting immigration and Peter Mandelson admitted to New Labour having been actively looking for immigrants to bring into the UK. There is a side issue though and this is to do with housing and the investment potential which was stoked by New Labour immediately from 1997 when they first won the General Election but which has continued on through the Coalition of 2010 by other financial incentives. The stress on housing availability equals increased profits.

On further reflection, in late August 2015, the last time that I had reason to visit Hannover in Germany, I noticed for the first time smartly dressed young males who were obviously from Africa and their demeanour was one of being well behaved and respectful and felt that they understood the German way of life and behaviour and would integrate well. Two weeks later there was the huge influx of migrants invited by Angela Merkel and the resulting problems that followed that made the headlines in the media.

This item was furthest from my mind this morning and the intended things to do for the day had been mapped out from before the weekend, but also there was a report in the morning news that Martin Lewis, who runs the Money Saving Expert web site, intends to sue Facebook for not removing fake investment articles which are cheating vulnerable people out of vast amounts their money. I had wanted to write about this and was already clearly worded in mind but a whisper in my ear suggested Enoch Powell instead.

Full text of Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood Speech”.
Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech

Words of Enoch Powell: [Quote] A week or two ago I fell into conversation with a constituent, a middle-aged, quite ordinary working man employed in one of our nationalised industries.
After a sentence or two about the weather, he suddenly said: “If I had the money to go, I wouldn’t stay in this country.” I made some deprecatory reply to the effect that even this government wouldn’t last for ever; but he took no notice, and continued: “I have three children, all of them been through grammar school and two of them married now, with family. I shan’t be satisfied till I have seen them all settled overseas. In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.
I can already hear the chorus of execration. How dare I say such a horrible thing? How dare I stir up trouble and inflame feelings by repeating such a conversation?
The answer is that I do not have the right not to do so. Here is a decent, ordinary fellow Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that his country will not be worth living in for his children.[unquote]

Enoch Powell was a fair minded man who believed in equality for all citizens:
[Quote]The third element of the Conservative Party’s policy is that all who are in this country as citizens should be equal before the law and that there shall be no discrimination or difference made between them by public authority. As Mr Heath has put it we will have no “first-class citizens” and “second-class citizens.” This does not mean that the immigrant and his descendant should be elevated into a privileged or special class or that the citizen should be denied his right to discriminate in the management of his own affairs between one fellow-citizen and another or that he should be subjected to imposition as to his reasons and motive for behaving in one lawful manner rather than another.[unquote]

From, The News Doctors
Soros / CIA Plan to Destabilize Europe by Wayne Madsen.

2013 – 043 The EU Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan – The Genocide Of The Caucasian People Of Europe and Agenda 21

Andrew Ashdown Tells of his experiences On The Ground in Syria

The following interview with Andrew Ashdown was found because I was curious about today’s news regarding Brendan Cox and Save the Children charity but this was with the knowledge of his support for the White Helmets, the western sponsored terrorists masquerading as first responders in Syria. The relationship with the White Helmets had been revealed at the time of his wife’s murder just prior to the Brexit Referendum vote and of course the White Helmets were being projected to the public as a good thing and worthy.

So this morning a search was made about the relationship between Brendan Cox, Save the Children and the White Helmets.

An article published in 2016 just after the murder of Jo Cox, assembled together many interesting facts in ‘The Truth About The Late Joe Cox and Her Husband, Brendan’ and it was quite comprehensive but had been spoilt with pages to links no longer available as well as videos. Also sections of commentary are obviously missing with the links jammed into the narrative as a replacement.

The facts mentioned in the article were never covered by MSM in their shining reports but clues would emerged for the sharp eared.

The article by CNN called Syrian Civil War Fast Facts was found during the search and the most interesting thing about this post, ignoring their political stance, is the record of the great onslaught of international pressure from the beginning during the very early months of 2011. Of course such rapid action can be understood better in the light of a talk by Andrew Ashdown, an Anglican Minister who had traveled extensively in Syria many time since 2003, and in a talk given locally, several years ago around the time of this video interview, he added, as a piece of incidental
information, that he had met a leading internal opposition leader (in 2015) who told him that he had been contacted by by phone in 2010 from somebody in Turkey who told him ”Get ready, the war is coming, it has all been planned”. Of all the similar interviews searched none mentioned this point directly from Andrew Ashdown himself but is reported second hand on the program. However I do have an mp3 of this comment given at a local presentation which also included projected pictures of his experience.

Andrew Ashdown Interview 2016
Back from Aleppo Rev. Andrew Ashdown: London media “diabloical, supporting terrorist Syrian rebels.”

Here is another article which documents the progression of the war in Syria.
Syrian Civil War Fast Facts

It is crazy that the US,France and the UK are happy to create a constantly fighting sectarian wasteland in Syria in the name of humanitarianism.

Perpetual War on Syria Continued by Israel

This morning 17th April there had been reports of an overnight attack on Syria but adding that the US said that it wasn’t them, so then it was suspected to be Israel. All MSM news is is focused on other news items since the US France and UK attack in the early hours of Saturday just hours befor the OPCW’s arrival into the country and RT are still on Saturday’s raid and the consequential backlash of anti war protests in all countries involved.

What this action reveals is a policy of perpetual attack upon Syria and this time there was no need for a false flag pretext to woo the population into the notion that it is justified. Therefore this means that Israel can commit any action without repercussions, an uncontrolled aggressor without constraint.

A particular feature of an attitude or philosophy that Israel has expressed has also been mirrored in the US,French and US stance which to anybody else’s judgement is the mark of the bully.

In the report pertaining to Israel there is a statement, a comment that caught my eye was the following:
[Quote]Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Syria’s retaliation “unacceptable”, stating that “if anyone attempts to harm us, we will harm them back”.[quote]

A similar attitude was made from US, France and UK which stated words to the effect that if Syria retaliates it would be an act of war.

Article 51 of the UN charter recognizes the right to self-defence by any state if it comes under attack.

The idea of decisions based on morality is laughable.

Another strategy to ensure perpetual war on Syria is that Donald Trump has asked Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to replace American troops, thus perpetuating war unseen to the western public. Arab troops instead of their pet terrorists including ISIS, there is proof about this from the horses mouth.

Below is a report from the Middle East Monitor

Israel warplanes launch overnight attack on Syria

The Efficacy of the OPCW Needs To Be investigated as cause for Russian Veto of UN Resolutions to Check Gas Attacks In Syria

Yesterday, one thing that I had forgotten to mention in my last post is that the OPCW need to be looked at more closely for its credibility. This morning It had been mentioned that Russia has vetoed UN call for inspections six times but on doing a search the links to news feeds on this point dominate and have seen reports of up to 11 Vetoes.

So, the thought this morning was that perhaps by mentioning the feeling that the OPCW needs to be looked at more thoroughly was the hope that this could be done by people in a position more qualified to do so.

The strong narrative pertaining to the number of times that Russia has vetoed inspections naturally leads one to believe that Assad is guilty and that the Russians are just simply exercising a blatant cover up.

Considering the feeling that the the efficacy of the OPCW itself needs to be investigated then naturally this lends to the idea that perhaps this is the main reason for the constant Russian vetoes because once the OPCW’s ”verdict” is given then it gives permission for an all out assault on Syria with the objective to remove Assad which was what this war was all about from the beginning in 2011 and pre planned, it is said in 2010.

So looking at current events in Salisbury of which the accusation tilted towards Russia without proof, and the Russians level headed response which borders on the reasonable according to once normal international norms of law, then this lends weight towards seeking for the reason for the constant Russian Vetoes at the UN.

So this item from a year ago surfaced like a shining diamond in a sea of darkness and is self explanatory:  


Today’s edition of the UK Column, 20th April 2018, has been added to this article a clear 7 days after questioning the veracity of the OPCW. The video speaks for itself.

Evidence of False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria

False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria
[Quote]On February 13 the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria noted a warning of an upcoming false-flag ‘chemical attack’ incident:
“On the evening of February 12, a resident from the Serakab settlement located in the Idlib province called the Russian Center for Reconciliaition to notify (the center) about a chemical weapons attack that could be staged to provide footage for a foreign TV channel,” the statement reads. “The caller said that earlier on February 12, Jabhat al-Nusra members travelling in three cars had brought more than 20 chlorine gas cylinders and personal protective equipment to Serakab,” the Center added.
“According to the caller, members of the local While Helmets branch wore personal protective equipment while rehearsing first aid provision to civilians suffering from chemical poisoning,” the Russian Center said.

“The caller pointed out that all the proceedings had been filmed by professional reporters who used a mic with the CNN logo, while commenting on the actions being taken by the White Helmets,” the statement said, adding that in between takes, the reporters had consulted with some people over a satellite telephone in English.[unquote]

[Quote] AFP reports:
“At the moment, I am not totally convinced because the people that are helping them are without any protective clothing and without any respirators,” said Paula Vanninen, director of Verifin, the Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
In a real case, they would also be contaminated and would also be having symptoms.”
John Hart, head of the Chemical and Biological Security Project at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said he had not seen the telltale evidence in the eyes of the victims that would be compelling evidence of chemical weapons use.[unquote]…/is-u-s-launching-a-war-in-syri…

A very relevant edition of UK Column today:

It is interesting that President of France, Macron claims that he has proof of chemical weapons having been used in Syria, readily blaming Assad.

[Quote]The French president does not need parliamentary permission to launch a military operation. France is already involved in the US-led coalition to fight Isis in Syria and Iraq.
The attack was first reported by Syrian rebel group Jaish al-Islam on Saturday.
Inspectors with the global chemical weapons watchdog, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, are due to investigate the incident.[unquote]

Interesting, just like the UK, France does not need to consult with its parliament to go to war and since Cameron had secretly made a 50 year military pact with France we have a situation which flies in the face of claims that the EU was created to maintain peace in Europe. Not only that but Macron is willing to commit French lives and those of others on the claims made by Jaish al-Islam.
Take a look at the following video to see how captives of this group were treated by Jaish al-Islam , from the first hand testimonies.

As I was returning to links to make screenshots of Macron’s statement, two had appeared and immediately dissolved and disappeared in front of my eyes off of the page. Last night there was a documentary on the PBS Channel about the beginnings of the Vietnam War and it began because the people were fed up with the unjust treatment of the Colonial French. They hated the French because of their treatment more than they disliked Communism. The French were failing badly and had no hope so the Americans stepped in selling it as a war against Communism which was ravaging other countries at that time. The fact is that America was an ally of France but the Vietnamese wanted the support of America to obtain independence and when they refused the Vietnamese turned to Russia instead.

A Watershed of component Parts

The news on Monday 26th March 2018 seemed to be a watershed of component parts, of issues which may take the World in a direction not wanted by general population but by those who have access to the reigns of power Internationally.

There is a relentless attack against Donald Trump despite the fact that during the Inaugural Dinner he basically forgave Hillary Clinton for her security breach of running her own email server used for government matters and putting National Security in danger. He could have pursued her with the weight of his office behind him but did not. This attitude has not been reciprocated the other way from those who are peeved about losing the election to him as well as deep state manipulators who no doubt regard Trump as an outsider.

When Jesus said Let those without sin cast the first stone to those who were about to stone to death a woman accused of adultery, this reflected a truth that persists to this day and the saying that when a finger is pointed towards others there are three pointing back.

The question that comes to mind is, has Donald Trump ever attended the goings on at Bohemian Grove or been a participant of Skull and Bones rituals. Probably not.

In a similar way we are witnessing an attack on Jeremy Corbyn, in this case via the Jewish Leadership Council. There have been calls for an organisation like the American Anti Defamation League in Britain but during the 1980s criticism was made of it, by those who were critical of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, of the nature of their activities. You can take a look at how the ADL presents itself on its own web site and compare it to this article made in 2013:

Question: what is the definition of an anti-Semite? Would it be enough to simply question the unjust and cruel treatment of Palestinians in their own, confiscated, national homeland by the Jewish state?

Like Trump, Jeremy Corbyn, as the leader of the Labour Party, has been relentlessly attacked from the beginning of his leadership. Had it not been for the Alternative Vote, a system of voting rejected in a referendum by the population as an answer to the ‘first pass the post’ system used in General Elections, then the recognised favourite David Milliband would most likely have not been beaten by his brother Ed. In a sense it was a fortunate outcome and although David would have been the most capable in the role of leadership of NewLabour, his allegiances are made clear by the associations connected to his job in America in much the same way as that of Tony Blair. All would have been hunky dory.

So the similarities between Trump and Corbyn have not been lost on the media, resulting in the mode of constant disparaging. Fortunately we did not get a Blairite in the Labour Party and Hillary Clinton’s reputation as a potential warmonger, and the possibility that Jeb Bush may have also filled that position was no doubt recognised as undesirable by the general population and could quite possibly have been a large contributory factor in their defeat (Jeb Bush saw the writing on the wall and backed out. He was the Governor of Florida during the 2000 Presidential election that saw Al Gore, who was convinced that he had won, defeated as a result of multiple recounts which resulted in Jeb’s brother George W taking office and Kicking off the so called War on Terror. Perhaps what we know now it should be renamed the war by terror, beginning with 911.).

To continue on a theme, it looks like the World is headed in an enforced confrontation with Russia as a result of an issue that has not been conclusively proven that Russia was the culprit. It is only by the association with circumstantial evidence from the past, which can be used to incriminate those who may be completely innocent and it does not bode well that International due process has been disregarded let alone the principles on which the British legal system has been based on for centuries, with the beginnings going back as far as 10th century Saxon England but which Teresa May felt fit to cast aside and demand that Russia provide proof that it did not commit the crime in Salisbury with consequential repercussions within 24 hours if it declined to do so. This is quite an insult to a sovereign nation. In traditional UK law there is an assumption of innocence until proven guilty but this is reversed in European, Napoleon code law, exactly as Teresa May has used. Her sincerity of moving away from the control of the Supranational block of the EU must be put into question.

To be continued. Possibly.

Here is the continuation of the promised continuation, most of which was writen down in longhand while travelling on the bus while I was in the ”Mode”. Refinement and proofs had to be added today and had to make the effort to do so which is difficult to get back into once stopped:

Continuation of A Watershed of Component parts

Of course the relationship between the EU and Putin was very different in 2010, being based on a deal signed towards the end of 2010, eight months after the Smolensk air crash which decimated the complete polish government who had opposed such an agreement.

Donald Tusk was happy to maintain the investigation at arms length from the Polish people by allowing Russia exclusive control over the evidence pertaining to the investigation and is also on record of insisting that it was pilot error which was the cause of the crash.

During this honeymoon period Bill Clinton had expressed, in a communication to Tony Blair, that Putin is an intelligent and trustworthy partner and that they could work with him. This is what Bill Clinton had to say about Putin in 2014.

From Politico [Quote] However, Clinton, citing his own dealings with Putin, said the Russian president was never misleading.

The one thing I will say about him is he was always pretty transparent. He never pretended to be what he wasn’t and I found in dealing with him—and by the way, with most other leaders with whom I had differences—that it was best to be brutal with him in private and be honest because they respected you if you were, and then as long as you could, to avoid embarrassing them in public,” Clinton said.

You can normally work with someone like that and I just hope and pray this thing is not going to spin out of hand,” he said.

Bill Clinton once told Tony Blair that Vladimir Putin had ‘enormous potential’

Eventually this relationship was soon to sour because Putin also had independent ambitions for the the betterment of Russia.

There was the convolution of Russia’s intent to create a trading block in Eurasia, separate from the EU initially and America’s intent to prevent it. Notice the date of 6th May 2012. Putin also had the intent of moving away from the US dollar for dealing in oil, and then the later development of BRICKS.

Continental unification project of European and Eurasian unions

I remember reading about Angela Merkel being very enthusiastic in doing business with Russia about this time, possibly 2011, even at the expense of the EU, this was suspected but of course all of this changed with the annexation of the Crimea and the American driven sanctions over the matter and of course there was the shooting down of the airliner with a BUK missile of which there was dispute over which side actually fired it, the Ukrainians or Russia.

Russia also entered the Syrian conflict as the only country legally permitted to do so, after years of looking on in 2015 but the question is when was the decision made to separate from the West’s shenanigans in the Middle East? The Arab Spring began in 2011 but plans were already in place to invade Syria in 2010, a year before the induced riots and protests there in 2011 and Assad is the only one able to resist over time which was something that I had felt he would do and expressed it in a roundabout way ending with ‘If ever’ .

It was my immediate opinion, at the time of the annexation of Crimea, that this pattern of modus operandi was too clear to see and when the coup de tate in the Ukraine to oust an elected leader took place, then it was too close to home, and for geostrategic reasons it was essential to regain possession of the Crimea.

The Crimea was successfully taken back into the Russian field of influence, obviously for strategic reasons, and this was achieved with the consent of the population by a referendum and given the approval of the population, although MSM reports would have us believe a different scenario.

The Case for Crimea’s Unification with the Russian Federation

Also mentioned on the news of 26th Match was the election in Egypt with comments couched in disparaging language towards ??? Sisi. This small but significant mention in the style that it was, was also something that I had been anticipating since the time when everything cooled down in Egypt so when Sisi arrived in London in 2015 and shook hands with David Cameron, the prime question then was how long would it be when Sisi begins to receive the Sadam Hussain, Mohamar Gadhaffi and Assad treatment? Just like Putin they had their own plans for their country, they were also strong men when required and as necessary, and this is proved by the chaotic state of those countries as a result of their planned removal.

One important element of the Egyptian revolution is that the Army took a stance to protect the population from Hosni mubarack’s military police who had responded with over the top aggressiveness towards militant protestors but of course the general population got caught up in it as well because they were encouraged to participate, quite rightly so, to air their grievances, though in a peaceful manner. Employment was sparse for educated people in much the same way here in the UK but which seems to be accepted as part of austerity. The devaluation of Egyptian currency and other aspects which are accepted as part and parcel of our own economy were presented by msm with emotive language against Sisi. As it is said, when there is a finger pointing with accusation there are three pointing back and this is where the hypocrisy needs to be pointed out when it is used as justification for military intervention which looks like it will eventually be on the cards.

When MSM states that SiSi deposed the first democratically elected president, Morsi, they conveniently forgot that the Military, who had presided as an interim government, allowed free elections which also included the Muslim Brotherhood who had been banned as a matter of course in Egypt for countless decades previously. Their win was accepted as promised but it came to an end when there was an attempt to change the Egyptian Constitution as well as other issues of concern voiced by the general population. Just found an article that explains in a nutshell.

Why Mursi of Egypt had to Go

Also, as observed at the time of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, was that Elbaradi was trying to insert himself into the mix and it was apparent by his activities and associations that he was Washington’s man but had not managed to gain any influence on outcomes and was basically ignored.


Brexit Without The Exit. Jelly For Brains

Proof of Brexit without the Exit. Jelly for brains.

Absolute stupidity!!

March 22nd

The government has decided that it is a good idea to change the colour of the British passport from burgundy to blue after Brexit but has decided to give the contract to the Franco Dutch company based on price. How nonsensical is that?

First of all to change the colour to blue is merely a cosmetic decision, gesture politics to appeal to the masses, so they think, but there have been many companies which have gone bust because they had the idea of investing in an image change, especially on the shop front and ended up over extending themselves on something which is none productive to the bottom line.

The whole problem is that Britain is leaking money away from the general economy in many ways, with the topmost being legal tax avoidance of multinational companies who have a buying power over the smaller business operator who do pay their full whack of tax. Child benefit for children of foreign nationals whose children may not be living here and so the money is being sent out of the country and not spent locally.

Foreign countries running vital utilities, who may receive government subsidies and again where profits find their way abroad and there has been one mention of a railway company taking profits to invest in their own railway in their native country. Madness.

Selling off iconic British companies to foreign investors who then move production out of the country or own the product and then re badge the product under their own name.

These are just a few examples of many more and the comment by the spokesman this morning has justified such behaviour because we are in a global market. This indicates business as usual and a challenge to this was met with resistance.

So far there has been total nonsense over the events of Salisbury and the only sensible reaction has been from Jeremy Corbyn in a statesman like manner. From Blairism to Cameron there has been little change in ongoing agenda, therefore it must be suggested that the civil service within, and perhaps a shadow government is the culprit. It is quite obvious that Teresa May has dodged situations where there would be live open debate and that whenever there is a detailed policy announcement she is merely reading from a script.

23rd March:

This is a continuation from yesterday’s initial input. Despite being pushed for time in order to be out of the door in a timely manner, with just minutes to spare before posting, it was felt necessary to make comment about the passport issue and on returning home discovered that there was only 100 mb of data left until midnight.

This was just enough to allow the discovery of the fact that the tender for the UK Passport  contract was submitted by our government on the European union’s electronic tendering journal and last October  that a tender for the design of which it had been announced could be done by Germany or France. Additionally the end of the 10 year cycle for passports just happens to coincide with the pre announced deadline for Brexit in March 2018.

Now this is very interesting because this morning, the 23rd. of march, it was announced on the radio that negotiations will begin between the UK government and the European Council, Tusk’s domain, to discuss a trade outline agreement which must be completed by October ready for Parliament to give support, or not, ready for the March 29th deadline for actually leaving the EU.

Yesterday morning I had written more than intended despite time restraint and it may have looked a little out of context but I was aware of the possibility that what we have in yesterday,s announcement is actually a template which denotes further intentions during the ongoing negotiations.

Jacob Reese Mogg has pointed out how the government rolls over without having the belly tickled:

When it was mentioned that the French had won the contract because it was £50 million cheaper  than the UK tender submission by De La Rue, a well established British company then it seemed that the bottom line was more important than the continuation of the company which is an employer and will pay company taxes into the economy as well as the workers who will be taxed and also spend their earnings locally thus benefiting society as a whole. This difference is roughly 10% of the whole contract.

The question then is who’s bottom line? Could there be a privatised element within the passport office? After all it is the UK citizen who ultimately pays the cost so therefore there must be a profit motive for awarding the contract to a foreign state, one which had deliberately screwed us over regarding our fishing waters as a condition of joining the EU in the first place.

The French themselves said that they would not allow passports to be manufactured outside of France for security reasons. This is an obvious consideration for the UK considering that migrants are flocking to France in the hope of illegally entering the UK. The French must be laughing their sock off.

Forgeries are a problem as it is without possible leakage into the Black Market via the French:

The result of the Brexit referendum has been known since June 2016 and the deadline for exit has already been announced yet the government deems it fit to tender for the passport contract under EU rules which should not really apply to us after so called departure next March, one year on from now.

It’s as if the people running the country are not so interested in acting for the National interest but rather are acting more like spivs perhaps for own self interest. Even last September the newspapers were already revealing that the design for the passport could go to a German or French company when this had traditionally been done in house by De La Rue. This information was initially revealed to the Sunday Times by a government insider September 2017.

A final Word:


‘British icon’

Earlier, De La Rue boss Martin Sutherland told the BBC’s Today programme:“Over the last few months we have heard ministers happy to come on the media and talk about the new blue passport and the fact that it is an icon of British identity.

“But now this icon of British identity is going to be manufactured in France.”

He added: “I’d like to ask Theresa May or Amber Rudd to come to my factory and explain to our dedicated workforce why this is a sensible decision to offshore the manufacture of a British icon.” [unquote]






All Sides Being Played By All

This was a comment that I made one year ago today, made and forgotten until now. Interesting.

16th March 2017 Continuation of Dutch election comments.
Having already said that there was more to write, the following morning, the day of the Dutch election, I had absolutely no feeling what so ever to do so and considered, as is often the case, to just let it just pass and forget it. However early this morning I awoke at 04:40 and felt the urge to write down the thoughts I had on Tuesday but which had not been completed.
It looks like a good result in the Dutch elections. I really expected the Turkish demonstrations to push people to vote overwhelmingly for Geert Wilders party but it looks like they turned to alternative right wing parties also with concerns about Islamic Immigration.
As a result of the Turkish agitation I had been expecting people to vote in favour of Geert Wilders party and the result showed that there was a huge movement away from the liberal left with gains also for other parties extolling his values.
It was the agitation that seemed to coincide with the preceding day of the forthcoming election and which drew media focus on the protests, perhaps for emphasis, but there was only brief attention given to Germany and seemingly a side note reference to the fact that France had allowed rallies to go ahead there. In Switzerland permission was also declined, then persuasion to allow based on upholding free speech then agreement not to go ahead because of fears for her personal safety. There was no animosity as a result of this. (There is a possible reason for this and the clue could be in the fact that it has historically served as the banker for despots and in this role has always managed to maintain neutral status at times of war).
Because a regular Facebook contributor had previously posted a photograph of Geert Wilders in Jewish costume complete with the scull cap taking part in a ceremony, this image kept coming to mind amongst other thoughts so decided to pose some questions. I had previously heard about The rejection of Geert Wilders on his visit to the UK years ago and accepted that is par for the course for anybody who stands in a position to challenge the establishment so that was pretty normal, and although I am aware of Zionism and the problems that are said to stem from it, it is not a hobby horse of mine so tend to reserve judgement as well as comment. However in this case thoughts seemed to crystallise around these issues, feeling them to be a significant link and relevant context.
On searching I found an article of Geert Wilders attending a meeting in California held by the American Freedom Alliance in which he was proclaiming that Countries need Zionism. For him to be openly proclaiming Zionism then it is reasonable to believe that this organisation is also Zionist. It is interesting how Wilders party also includes ”Freedom” in its name.
The AFA seems to be making all the right noises that would appeal to the anti establishment frame of mind and contains all of the popular issues that people are generally concerned with and you would never know if there were Zionist tendencies or not. However an organisation that seemingly supports the AFA wrote an article that casts them in a different light to the impression given on their own web site.

[Quote]: “My friends, what we need today is Zionism for the nations of Europe,” Wilders, founder and leader of the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands, said at the “Europe’s Last Stand?” conference, organized by the American Freedom Alliance.” Posted in 06/10/2013
by [unquote]

Looking from the Turkish angle it is evident that Turkey and Israel have historically worked together in Intelligence, Security and subversion and although they had fallen out they are now back together again since 2010 when it was the IDF that approached Turkey. This came about because Syria blocked a gas pipeline that was to run from Arabia and Qatar all the way to Israel and ultimately across Turkey to Italy for sale through Europe, pushing the Russians out of this market. The deal failed in 2009 and this is why I believe Israel re established relations with Turkey in 2010 and the war for regime change in Syria began in 2011.
Turkey has been a player regarding ISIS in Syria and it has been reported that ISIS casualties receive medical treatment in Israel. It has also been mentioned that America, under Obama, had been responsible for creating ISIS. The pipeline from Turkey to Haifa in Israel is still waiting to be connected so it seems that the war in Syria will not end until the connection can be made and Russia remains Assad’s ally therefore it looks like Russia is being played by Turkey in the scheme of things.
I also seems that Israel regards Holland as the gateway into the EU, particularly because it is multi lingual so this gives sense to why they would want one of their own running the country.
Here is a comment that shows that there had been organised agitators:

[Quote] Dov Segal
This report is from AFP journalists. As usual, misleading.
According to the AFP.
“After several hours of calm demonstrations, police moved in to disperse over 1,000 people gathered close to the consulate, charging the crowd on horseback and using dogs to regain control.
Protesters hit back, throwing rocks at riot police, while hundreds of cars jammed the streets blaring their horns and revving their engines.”
What actually happened?
There was a relatively peaceful demonstration outside the consulate in Rotterdam. Lots of Allahu Akbars and Turkish songs. They were waiting for a speech from a Turkish minister.
When they heard that the minister had been sent back to Germany most of the Dutch/Turks started to leave.
As the demonstrators were leaving, the Dutch riot police started to stand down, moving back to their trucks.
Then a group of about 200 young Turks began to attack the police from behind. The riot police regrouped and charged their attackers.
Sounds a bit different to the AFP narrative.
The AFP forgot something as well.
The rioters were not singing Turkish songs any more. They were hurling epithets at the police.
They were screaming, “Jews, cancer Jews”.
Mar 12, 2017 9:54am [unquote]


Craig Murray: “Of a Type Developed by Liars”

Now we know why the UK Government would not send a sample of nerve agent to Russia to be inspected and why there was the urgent bluster and bullying of Russia.

This was brought to notice by today’s information packed, as usual, UK Column of 16th March.

Craig Murray

Of a Type Developed by liars
”I have now received confirmation from a well placed FCO source that Porton Down scientists are not able to identify the nerve gas as being of Russian manufacture, and have been resentful of the pressure being placed on them to do so. Porton Down would only sign up to the formulation “of a type developed by Russia” after a rather difficult meeting where this was agreed as a compromise formulation. The Russians were allegedly researching, in the “Novichok” programme a generation of nerve agents which could be produced from commercially available precursors such as insecticides and fertilisers. This substance is a “novichok” in that sense. It is of that type. Just as I am typing on a laptop of a type developed by the United States, though this one was made in China.” [unquote]
Read on from this link:
Of a Type Developed by Liars (UK Column at 3:31)

Shifting Definitions and Illiterate Officials: 23:09

Also of important interest is the Kit Kat Tapes 32:56 Deceiving the British public over Brexit:
don’t HAVE A BREX, HAVE A KITKAT Bombshell tapes reveal how top Whitehall officials compared Brexit to a KitKat with chocolate layer hiding UK ties to Brussels

UK Column:
UK Column News – 16th March 2018