Atheistic Zionism

This question came to mind yesterday morning but then I became distracted with something perhaps more important but now again this afternoon on arrival home with the intent of listening to some music to relax the question posed itself again. The search question was: Zionism and Godless ideology.

The reason for this question lies in the fact that on Monday 14th May the very moment that I awoke I turned on the radio early in the morning a program was already underway talking about the American recognition that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish Homeland and the opening of the American Embassy there on the very day of the 70th Anniversary of the establishment of the so called State of Israel.

This news brought an immediate recollection that during the early 1970s onwards the founder of the
Unification Church, Rev Sun Myung Moon consistently proclaimed that the atheistic ideology of Communism would decline after seventy years, and additionally during the mid 1980s warned that conflict with the Muslim world would be the next World problem after the fall of communism. From current observation, it seems that this has been artificially created and promoted.

Now there is a significance here because in the same way that the recent 100 years anniversary of the birth of Communism last year evoked a feeling that there was an intertwined connection with the Bolshevik Revolution and the steps initiated to bring about the Balfour Declaration which took place roughly within the same time scale, so this time also there seemed to be a significance with the number 70, although there has been a shifting of the time period. 1917 to 1989 for Communism and 1948 to 2018. We cant know if this agenda was on the cards regardless of who had been elected American President in November 2016.

Wall Street financed the sealed train that took Lenin through to Petrograd Russia and it was the same bankers and interests who financed Hitler, so there has always been a question mark over what seemed to be the fact that these very bankers facilitated the extermination of the Jews in Europe. Could it have been the case that Atheistic Zionists were financing the genocide of Jews of faith. It would be awful to think that this was actually part of the overall plan to gain World sympathy for the establishment of the ”Jewish” Homeland but it has since been utilised for this purpose. However here is a video which gives some clarity on the matter:
Benjamin H Freedman’s 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel
Benjamin.H.Freedman 1961 speech, Extended Version HD Watch through but at 55 minutes there is an explanation of the origin of the word Jew, a name evolved from the geographic location called Judea.

Distinguishing between atheist Zionism and Judaism

Go to:

[Quote] There is an extensive literature in English, French, and German reflecting the argument that the Bolshevik Revolution was the result of a “Jewish conspiracy”; more specifically, a conspiracy by Jewish world bankers. Generally, world control is seen as the ultimate objective; the
Bolshevik Revolution was but one phase of a wider program that supposedly reflects an age old religious struggle between Christianity and the “forces of darkness.”

The argument and its variants can be found in the most surprising places and from quitesurprising persons. In February 1920 Winston Churchill wrote an article — rarely cited today —for the London Illustrated Sunday Herald entitled “Zionism Versus Bolshevism.” In this’ article Churchill concluded that it was “particularly important… that the National Jews in every country who are loyal to the land of their adoption should come forward on every occasion . . .and take a prominent part in every measure for combatting the Bolshevik conspiracy.”

Churchill draws a line between “national Jews” and what he calls “international Jews.” He argues that the “international and for the most atheistical Jews” certainly had a “very great” role in the creation of Bolshevism and bringing about the Russian Revolution. He asserts (contrary to fact) that with the exception of Lenin, “the majority” of the leading figures in the revolution were Jewish, and adds (also contrary to fact) that in many cases Jewish interests and Jewish places of worship were excepted by the Bolsheviks from their policies of seizure. Churchill
calls the international Jews a “sinister confederacy” emergent from the persecuted populations of countries where Jews have been persecuted on account of their race. Winston Churchill traces this movement back to Spartacus-Weishaupt, throws his literary net around Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxemburg, and Emma Goldman, and charges: “This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.” [unquote]

The Opening Ceremony of the US Embassy in Jerusalem Monday 14th May 2018

One Reply to “Atheistic Zionism”

  1. The 1961 speech was very interesting to listen. Considering how much world has changed from 1961 to this year of 2018, many of his propositions still seems true and fresh and realised into the reality of our time. In switching of bankers from supportive of Kaiser’s Germany to his adversary and become supportive of Kaiser cousin, i.e., Edward’s Britain and manipulating US into the war with Germany it seems that he has not a clear reason and skips arguments. It’s because, I believe, he does not consider the role of Ottomans in the world war. Turkey, the Ottomans empire at the beginning of the twentieth century was not that closed door closedly kept of Turks we have heard about in history books.
    Infiltration of Zionism in Palestine started during the last notable sultan of ottomans, Abdulhamid I. They were usng an organised and influential network of Zionists Turkish Jews to approach the sultan. Before Coup of the Young Turks which resulted Abdulhamid deposition, he received a proposal from the World Zionists Movement to “sell” Palestine in exchange of anything he desires for perpetual ruling of himself and his dynasty.
    Abdulhamid did not accept the offer and said that he’d rather die than sell Palestine.
    To be able to have Palestine, Zionists had to remove Ottomans from Arab lands and replace them with their own paid people such as Hashemid clan of Jordan/Iraq and Wahabits of Hejaz.
    As we saw in history that was possible only through British Empire which had deep influence through Egypt in west flank and through the Sheikhs of Persian Gulf. British Empire should win the war to pave the way.

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