Terrorist Alert!!
The latest news this morning is that the White Helmets have been ”rescued” as part of a ”humanitarian” initiative and will be given ”asylum” in Britain, Germany, Netherlands and Canada.
The following article covers the official narrative as presented by the BBC this morning
Members of White Helmets evacuated from Syria
This is the reality:
UK Organized & Funded White Helmets Evacuating to Canada via Israeli Logistics
White Helmets to be given asylum in Britain, Germany, and Canada but the Netherlands has been mentioned as well.
The Syria White Helmets Exposed as US UK Agents Embedded with Al Nusra and ISIS
The Syria White Helmets Exposed as US UK Agents Embedded with Al Nusra and ISIS
(2017) This Aleppo Video Proves White Helmets Work for ISIS (NEVER BEFORE SEEN) (Go straight to 7:08 mins for footage which shows proof)
(2017) This Aleppo Video Proves White Helmets Work for ISIS (NEVER BEFORE SEEN)
The Netherlands has also been mentioned as a Country offering ”asylum”:
Dutch former Royal Netherlands Army soldier trains jihadists in Syria.
Dutch former Royal Netherlands Army soldier trains jihadists in Syria.
In light of this development I feel concerned because of what we observe about our own police forces at home.
Most people must be aware that sections of the police have become militarised on the back of what are suspected to be false flag terrorist attacks in the UK. False flag means that these events did not occur solely through the efforts, facilitation and planning of the accused but by possible covert help by agents provocateurs.
Also it will be observed that local police stations have been closed and officers amalgamated to one specially built premises. Also noticeable is the rampant rise in crime, both robberies and murders so in effect so in effect it would seem that the population is being left out on a limb to deal with whatever may come themselves while it could be speculated that the armed branch of the police are there primarily to protect those who are allowing this disintegration of law and order.
So while everyone’s attention was being directed to protest against Trump’s visit to the UK, under the surface there have been moves bring into the country a very substantial threat.