BBC, The EastEnders and Antichrist (3)

Some people, certain atheists for instance, believe and say that Jesus Christ even did not exist and New Testament and such character are imaginations of under-trodden and suppressed people.

Assume that this is correct. Still, something remains unclear. Why all the hostilities described against Jesus Christ are being repeated again as if he is still alive and is among us at this time.

Why such a big machine of mass media, in this sneaky, covert way tries to infame and vilify Him. Why it selects supposedly a Muslim to convey its concealed message. What Muslims attribute to Jesus Christ, is almost the same as Christians. Muslims call him “The Word” and “The Spirit” of God. They have no hostility with Christmas and the Easter. Until after the Second World War they did not live as the minority in a Christian society to grow grudge towards Christians and their festivities. There was not such a clash between them and Christians.

Very important point is that the Muslims they show in such occasions are actually “petro-Muslims” or more accurately “petrodollar-Muslims” created almost entirely after 1974 in the world. They have been created as escape goats as targets to divert the attention of the world towards creation of controlled chaos.

So it is not Muslims that run Hollywood. Hollywood boldly tries to humiliate the name of Jesus Christ. It is recently works to add an F-word between Jesus and Christ. Such attempts find their way in other outlets which are under control and full capitulation to Antichrist.

The same scenario repeats year after year near Christmas and the Easter. Some jokes about Jesus Christs and someone who becomes resurrected from the death.

This Easter 2018. I was in the kitchen preparing tea for some companions who were watching The Eastenders in the living room. I heard that one of the actors (Little Mo Morgan) shouting that Kat had died.

I immediately came back to room and told them, “It is fake. Later she comes back alive.” People became surprised asked me how did I know. I said that it was because it was near the Easter. Always someone fakes his death and will come back to life and all the community make fun of him and vilify him and the resurrected one is also an impostor.”

This year goes bolder than the previous years. When it became known that Kat was alive the reason causes all insults. Pieces of gospels are dotted among the dialogues such that when later people hear them somewhere else reminds them of Kat and Mo and other stupid acts out of these characters.

From a couple of weeks before The Easter we hear things about conning and fraud to fleece people and defraud them just for the sake of money.

It is clear that who wants to exonerate himself of crucifying Christ and projecting his own greed for the money by accusing Christ. Is not one of the attributes of Satan, the Antichrist, the accuser?

In the short clip I put here Kat Says (@Time 0:16), “I go to vic to break the good news —- that I am not dead” Emphasis and pause are by the actor.

EastEnders – A Huge Fight Breaks Out In The Vic (22nd March 2018 Episode 2)

This hostility I watch proves me something of great value.

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